Dawn Marie VS Torrie Wilson

Good evening folks, you are just in time for the in ring debut of Dawn Marie. Dawn has proven herself to be the master manipulator in the way she has physically and mentally destroyed Trish Stratus to the point we might never see her again. No one has seen or heard from Trish since Dawn’s depraved actions. Tonight she sets her sights on an old enemy in Torrie Wilson. Without further ado, let’s get started. Both women are in the ring and there’s the bell.

Torrie locks up with Dawn, backing her up into the corner. Dawn is trying to get under Torrie’s skin by grabbing her ass which seems to unnerve Torrie, who backs off with a disgusted look on her face. They both tie up again, Torrie spins around behind Dawn into a rear waistlock. Dawn seems to be enjoying it as she grinds up against Torrie, causing her to release the waistlock. Dawn’s mind games seem to be throwing Torrie off her game tonight. Torrie now with a double leg takedown tackles Dawn Marie to the canvas, looking to unload with the right hand. Dawn pulls her in to defend herself, pulling Torrie’s head into her chest. This really freaks Torrie out as she breaks away, rolling out of the ring. Dawn is loving every second of this, “C’mon Torrie. I’m having a blast. Get back here.” Torrie rolls back into the ring before the ref counts her out. She walks over to Dawn for the lock up once again, Dawn kisses Torrie’s arm which causes her to release her grip. Dawn takes advantage with a big lariat dropping Torrie to the mat like a sack of potatoes. She drops elbow after elbow onto the chest of Torrie. Now Dawn pulls her back to her feet by the hair, then tosses Torrie across the ring by the hair. She pulls Torrie up and tosses her by the hair again, this match has gotten physical in a hurry.

Torrie uses the corner to pull herself up, Dawn crashes into her with a clothesline in the corner, dropping her down draped over the bottom turnbuckle. Oh my, Dawn Marie with the stink face. Dawn has just added insult to injury by utilising one of Torrie’s own signature moves against her. Like it or not, Dawn has shown some smart strategy tonight, throwing Torrie Wilson right out of her stride. She pulls Torrie back to her feet who is still coughing from the effects of the stink face. Well executed swinging neckbreaker by Dawn Marie leaves Torrie sprawled out on the mat. Dawn climbs to the middle turnbuckle, corner slingshot splash just splats Torrie like a bug on the mat and straight into the cover, one, two, Torrie gets the shoulder up just in time. Dawn’s not finished yet. She drags Torrie back up by the hair, then a kick to the midsection doubles her over. DDT leaves Torrie face down on the mat. Dawn rolls her over and hooks the leg, one, two, three. This one has to go down as a major upset. Dawn Maries just took Torrie Wilson apart in one of the most one sided beat downs we’ve witnessed in quite some time.

Lillian: Here is your winner, Dawn Marie.

Dawn just plants a kiss on the lips of Torrie, before rolling her out of the ring. She asks Lillian Garcia for the mic.

Dawn: I always knew I was the better woman Torrie and now you don’t have Vince fixing the results in your favour the whole world knows it too. I completely dominated your beautiful ass from bell to bell, however that was nothing compared to what I put the great Trish Stratus through. Trish if you are watching this, let tonight be a small taste of what lies in store for you if you ever dare to show your face around here again. I took your dignity and your pride and everyone knows it. You and I will never forget our evening in that hotel room together. I have left my mark on you forever. I’m willing to bet that you and Ron are having a hard time looking each other in the eyes after both betraying each other with nights of passion with yours truly. You now have my permission to leave wrestling for good now that your humiliation is complete. Oh one more thing. Next week, watch me humiliate your bestie Lita who has rather unwisely come back from injury to avenge your honour. Not that you have any left. Goodbye Trish!

Damn, Dawn Marie is one evil mastermind. She may have destroyed the career and life of the greatest women’s wrestler of all time. After witnessing her mental games with Torrie Wilson tonight, Trish Stratus may be better off staying away, as might Lita be also who has already paid the price once for going against Dawn’s wishes. Tune in next week to find out if Lita can score some measure of revenge. Goodnight.


6 thoughts on “Dawn Marie VS Torrie Wilson

    1. Dawn really got inside Torrie’s head and dominated her. I can see her doing the same to Trish when they meet as Trish is probably in a very fragile state of mind.


  1. Lita is up you know creek without a paddle. Dawn Marie looks like Brock lesnar unbeatable. Except for Trish stratus of course. Torrie Wilson love her as a kid but she’s not in Trish s or Stacy keibler s league as far as hotness goes. Golden thong winner the best win of her career.

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