Rosita VS Candice Michelle Women’s Title Match

It is now time for our main event of the evening for the women’s championship between Rosita and Candice Michelle. Candice is on a serious roll as champion with seemingly no one able to stop her. Can Rosita be the one to do it? Let’s find out. Here comes the challenger looking fired up and ready for action. Now the champion makes her way ringside, looking supremely confident. The referee calls for the bell, getting this title match underway.

Rosita looks to tie up but Candice right off the bat drops her challenger with a big boot straight to the face. Look at the disrespect from the champion as she just performs her Go Daddy dance over Rosita, big mistake as she gets caught by a roll up, one, two, kick out by Candice. Both back on their feet, Rosita with a crucifix pin, one, two, Candice escapes. Candice goes for a clothesline, Rosita ducks and hits the ropes. She goes for a sunset flip but can’t get Candice down for the pinfall. Candice drops down on top of Rosita, landing some mean fists to the face and regaining control. Candice now drags the challenger back to her feet and over to the corner. She’s landing some nasty side kicks to the midsection, finishing the flurry with a springboard kick to the face that drops Rosita down in the corner. The champion is now choking the life out of Rosita with her foot in the corner. Candice is showing a lot of aggression tonight as she starts stomping a mudhole in Rosita. She pulls the challenger back to her feet, northern lights suplex takes Rosita back out of the corner towards the centre of the ring and into a pin, one, two, Rosita kicks out. Candice Michelle is firmly in control of this match up, proving too strong for her opponent at the moment.

Candice picks Rosita up off the floor and slams her hard into the mat with a scoop slam, driving the air out of her lungs. She mounts the challenger again, slapping her hard across the face and now she’s ripping her top off, exposing Rosita’s bra. Candice now wraps what is left of the top around the throat of Rosita, throttling her before releasing just before the count of five. The champion is showing her opponent absolutely no respect tonight. She drags Rosita up off the canvas by the hair and whips her into the ropes, huge tilt a whirl slam leaves the challenger down. There’s the Go Daddy dance from Candice again, followed by an elbow to the chest, then a second one for good measure. Candice with the cover, one, two, shoulder up by Rosita. The champion is looking to end this one now as she pulls Rosita up once again and whips her into the ropes. Jumping spinning heel kick by Candice Michelle just about knocks Rosita’s block off as she crumples to the mat. It looks like that isn’t enough for our champion as she pulls Rosita up who is completely limp at this point. A thunderous Candy Wrapper drives the challenger face first into the mat, this one’s over. Candice lays on Rosita for the cover, one, two, no, Candice pulls her head off the mat as if to say not yet. Candice looks like she wants to inflict more punishment. Come on, just end this already, there’s no need for this.

The champion is now climbing the turnbuckles, going to the top as the challenger lays down and out on the canvas. Candice is looking to add insult to injury here as she goes for the diving moonsault from the top. Huge error from the champion there as she crashes and burns, Rosita rolls out of the way in the nick of time. The champion could be hurt as she took the full force of the impact to the mat right on her ribcage. Her arrogance could cost her the title tonight. The referee is now starting the ten count with both competitors down. Candice is wobbly but first back to her feet at the count of seven. She grabs Rosita who is on her knees at this point by the hair, beautiful counter with the jawbreaker by the challenger. Candice charges Rosita, only to get caught by a hurricanrana into the pin, one, two, kick out by the champion. Candice gets straight back to her feet and walks right into a standing dropkick from the challenger, Rosita is starting to build up some steam now. Rosita comes off the ropes as Candice rises to her feet, ducks a clothesline attempt by the champion and hits the ropes on the far side for extra momentum, tilt a whirl headscissors into a DDT. Rosita just spiked the champion into the canvas. Candice looks to be out cold.

We are about to witness a new champion being crowned if Rosita can land the moonsault. She makes her way to the top rope, Candice has barely moved a muscle as she lays down on the canvas. There she goes, diving moonsault connects, NO!!! Candice just manages to get the knees up in time, possibly saving her title reign in the process. Rosita is hurt as she clutches her ribs from her bad landing. The champion slowly makes her way back to her feet, the challenger looks like easy pickings now. Candice wraps Rosita up in a bodyscissors, crushing her injured midsection. Rosita screams in agony but fires some back elbows at Candice to try and break the hold. Oh this isn’t good for Rosita. Candice applies a full nelson along with the bodyscissors, Rosita has no way out now. It’s over, Rosita gives up, the referee calls for the bell. Come on Candice, let go of the hold, the match is over. Finally she releases the hold but it looks like the damage has been done, Rosita is coughing up blood. Oh, disgusting act by the champion as she punts her challenger directly in the ribs, inflicting more punishment. The ref raises her arm.

Lillian: Here is your winner and still women’s champion, Candice Michelle.

Overconfidence nearly cost the champion tonight against a plucky underdog, but Candice Michelle once again pulls a rabbit out of the hat and retains once more. Can anyone stop her reign as champion? That’s all we have time for tonight but join us tomorrow night for a huge match up that we have just been informed of tonight between best friends Lita and Trish Stratus. Thanks for watching and goodnight.


7 thoughts on “Rosita VS Candice Michelle Women’s Title Match

    1. Overconfidence nearly cost her everything but the better woman won in the end. I think Thea looks very much like Trish in her pic, Candice is sexy as always.


      1. Congrats on 99 post. Way to stick with it I know it’s not easy but you are doing a great job since your first post. Trish vs Lita 100 % stratusfaction it shouldn’t be anyone else.

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