Dawn Marie VS Trish Stratus Steel Cage Match

Good evening and welcome live on Pay Per View. We start things off tonight on a personal level with a grudge match months in the making between Dawn Marie and Trish Stratus. Dawn has tortured Trish physically and mentally to the point that she almost never recovered. Since then, Trish has barely been able to stomach the sight of Dawn Marie with flashbacks of mental trauma, not to mention the post match assault from two weeks ago that has softened Trish up leaving her with bruised ribs. Without further ado, let’s get this show on the road. Dawn makes her way out first, looking supremely confident. Now here comes Trish who looks unusually nervous and has her ribs taped up. You just know that will be a bullseye for Dawn. The cage is now being lowered and the bell rings.

Trish attacks right from the get go with a Thesz press, followed by some rapid fire clenched fists to the face of Dawn Marie. Trish is now slamming the back of Dawn’s head repeatedly into the mat, trying to scramble her brain. She wants revenge in the worst way possible, looking to inflict as much damage as possible. Trish pulls Dawn back up to her feet and just runs her face first into the wall of the cage, then a second time into the wall on the far side. She’s grinding Dawn’s face into the cage now, trying to make mincemeat out of it. Dawn already has a nasty scratch on her forehead from the cage that has a trickle of blood coming from it. Trish drags Dawn into the corner now, slamming her head into the top turnbuckle repeatedly. Now she turns Dawn around to face her and just lights up her chest with some brutal knife edge chops. Look at the marks all over her face and chest already, Trish is ruthless tonight. Trish whips her into the corner opposite now and follows in with a big splash that misses as Dawn falls out of the way, dropping to her knees. Trish hits the corner hard and falls down, clutching her ribs. Dawn takes advantage, punting Trish with all her might in the side of the ribcage that has Trish doubled over on the mat in pain. She hooks the legs of Trish, one, two, Trish kicks out. Like a shark smelling blood, Dawn rolls Trish onto her front and drops multiple knees into the injured ribs. Trish looks to be in severe pain as she cries out from each blow.

Dawn now hauls Trish up to her feet and throws her into the corner. She drives her shoulder hard into the midsection of Trish over and over, each shot increasing the internal damage done. Wow, shades of Scott Steiner with that huge belly to belly by Dawn Marie that sends Trish crashing into the canvas. No cover this time from Dawn, instead she looks to inflict more punishment to Trish as she wraps her legs around the waist of Trish and locks in the bodyscissors looking to further injure her. Trish is in trouble here, but throws some back elbows at Dawn, catching her with a few of them in the head. The last elbow rocks Dawn, but she increases the pressure of the hold. Trish looks to break the hold but Dawn’s legs are just too strong as her energy is slowly being sapped. Dawn Marie looks to be in complete control now. Grabbing a handful of hair, Dawn pulls Trish’s head back sharply as she taunts her. “After I’m finished with you in this cage, I’m going to make you my bitch again!” Trish looks helpless as Dawn starts kissing her neck, then on her cheek. Dawn now plants a kiss on the lips of Trish as she squeezes the life out of her. Trish out of sheer desperation connects with a headbutt that seems to open up the cut on Dawn’s forehead a little more and causes her to break the bodyscissors. As Trish crawls away she’s coughing and spits up a little blood as she tries to catch her breath, that can’t be good.

Dawn is first back to her feet and grabs Trish from behind and pulls her back to her feet, Chick Kick from out of nowhere by Trish but she can’t capitalise on it as she falls to the mat again, clutching her ribs. She crawls to the corner, using the turnbuckles to pull herself up as Dawn is also slowly starting to stir. Trish stays in the corner, beckoning Dawn to get back to her feet. Dawn is staggering but back to a vertical base as she turns to face Trish, SPEAR by Trish Stratus almost knocks Dawn Marie out of her boots. She’s slowly crawling over to Dawn to make the cover but may have taken too long already, one, two, thr…..Dawn pops the shoulder up, that was close. Trish hurt Dawn badly with the last maneuver but I think she hurt herself just as much. She slowly pulls Dawn back to her feet, whipping her into the ropes. Trish telegraphs going for a back body drop which Dawn counters brilliantly with a DDT and into the cover, one, two, shoulder up by Trish. Dawn looks frustrated that she was unable to put Trish away with that one. She drags Trish over to the corner looking to end this, corner slingshot splash right onto the injured ribcage of Trish. This one has to be over, one, two, thr…..NO, Trish manages to lift her shoulder off the mat, unbelieveable. Dawn Marie is absolutely livid. “JUST STAY DOWN TRISH!!!” She takes off her leather belt and starts to whip the hell out of Trish with it like a government mule. Look at the marks all over the body of Trish as Dawn leaves her curled up on the canvas, coughing up more blood. No pinfall from Dawn this time, instead she starts to climb the cage, looking to win by exiting the structure.

Both women are pretty beat up at this point, Trish more so than Dawn thanks to the injury going into the match. Dawn is struggling to scale the cage but close to the top now, Trish has pulled herself upright with the ropes and is slowly climbing up behind her. She manages to grab one of Dawn Marie’s legs who is now at the top of the structure, Trish is hanging on, stopping her from leaving. Dawn is trying to shake her off but Trish is hanging on with a pitbull like grip as she pulls herself up to the top of the cage. This is extremely dangerous as both woman are sat on top of the cage, trading punches until Trish gains the upper hand. The cut on Dawn Marie’s forehead is well opened up now, she’s bleeding profusely. Dawn is reeling now as Trish lays in those big right hands, but cuts Trish off with a shot to the ribs. Woah, Trish almost lost her balance and fell of the top, but just hangs on. Dawn is trying to knock her down into the ring, Trish counters, using her legs to grab Dawn by the head. Trish is looking for a hurricanrana from the top, oh my god. Dawn Marie is hanging on for dear life. Oh no, Dawn somehow finds the strength to pull Trish back up as she’s setting up for a powerbomb from the top. If she lands this, it will definitely be over. How in the….., Trish somehow manages to counter from the top of the cage with the Stratusfaction. That was a horrendous impact as both women hit the mat, Dawn Marie has to be out cold as she lays face down on the mat. Trish is barely conscious herself but has the wherewithal to drape her arm over Dawn Marie for the cover, one, two, three. Thank god this one is over before someone got killed, but neither competitor looks like a winner tonight.

Lillian: Here is your winner, Trish Stratus.

The cage has been lifted so that the EMT’s can check over both Trish and Dawn. Trish seems to be moving which is a good sign as she is sat in an upright position now. Dawn is not looking so good as she is being loaded onto a stretcher with her neck braced, a broken and bloody mess. I can’t condone any of Dawn Marie’s actions recently but I don’t think anyone wants to see someone leave the arena like this as there is an oxygen mask on her face now. We have to go to a break now folks but we will update you on both women’s conditions as soon as humanly possible. Get ready, coming up is our main event between Stacy Keibler and Candice Michelle for the Women’s Title. Don’t go anywhere.

5 thoughts on “Dawn Marie VS Trish Stratus Steel Cage Match

    1. I think it is the end of the feud for now but would you like to see them pick up from where they left off somewhere down the line? I think Trish will be looking to work her way back into title contention again after this.


  1. Trish Stratus comes out on top after a STRATUSFACTION that would end most peoples career. I’m looking forward to who Trish stratus faces next could be anybody. Let’s go Stacy

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