Stacy Keibler VS Candice Michelle Women’s Title Match

Before we get to the main event, we have a quick update on the medical condition of Trish Stratus. We have been informed that although she is battered and bruised she has no further complications other than some bruised ribs which she went into the match with. Still no word on Dawn Marie. It is now time for our main event. Here comes the lovely Stacy Keibler along with her BFF Torrie Wilson. The champion Candice Michelle now makes her way ringside alone, looking to avenge the tag team loss from last week, her first defeat since becoming champion. There’s the bell to get this title match underway.

Stacy and Candice circle each other in the ring. Torrie grabs at Candice’s leg to distract her, Stacy goes for the sneak attack but Candice was ready for her, ducking the spinning heel kick and countering with a snap powerslam. She pulls Stacy back up to her feet, throwing her into the corner. Candice now laying in some mean side kicks to the midsection and finishes with a springboard kick to the jaw that drops Stacy in the corner. Oooh, awkward landing for the champion as it looks like she tweaked her knee on the landing from that last kick. That’s the leg that Stacy injured last Monday. Candice hobbles towards the middle of the ring, Stacy executes a nasty chop block to the back of the injured leg that takes the champion down to the canvas. Stacy holding the leg now drops an elbow using all of her weight to drive the point of her elbow into the injured leg. Still holding Candice’s leg, she wrenches the joint, then slams her leg hard into the mat looking to inflict more pain. Stacy pulls Candice up from the mat who looks to be struggling to put any weight on her leg, a wicked dragon screw by the challenger has the champion squeal out in agony as she hits the mat once again. Relentless, Stacy grabs Candice by the leg and drops to the mat with a leg DDT, further weakening the champ. Stacy hooks the leg, one, two, Candice gets her shoulder up. The champion is on the back foot right from the get go.

Stacy is on a mission tonight as she stomps away at the leg of Candice Michelle, looking to take the title from her. She drags Candice over to the corner and exits the ring, taking a hold of her leg again and wrapping it around the ringpost. Stacy smashes Candice’s leg into the steel post one more time before re entering the ring showing off her best asset for the crowd, excuse the pun. The referee admonishes Stacy in the ring, oh come on! Torrie takes advantage with the referee’s back turned and slams Candice’s leg into the ring post one more time. The champion is really up against it tonight. Stacy now walks over to the corner and proceeds to stomp the living hell out of Candice all over. She pulls the champion out of the cover and hooks the injured leg, one, two, shoulder up again by Candice. Stacy has a handful of hair now as she pulls Candice up off the canvas. Big kick to the midsection doubles Candice over as Stacy sets up for a powerbomb. She gives the fans a wiggle before lifting the champion up off the mat, beautiful counter by Candice with a devastating facebuster that drills the challenger face first and buys her some recovery time. Candice slowly crawls away from Stacy to create some space, heavily favouring that injured leg as Stacy slowly starts to pick herself up. She’s using the turnbuckles in the corner to get back to a vertical base, Stacy charges in looking for a splash in the corner but Candice gets out of the way in the nick of time as Stacy crashes into the corner chest first. Candice takes the challenger down with a neck breaker from behind and goes for the cover, one, two, Stacy kicks out. Let’s see if the champion can keep up the pressure.

Candice pulls Stacy to her feet and powers her over with a suplex effectively executed with only one good leg. Candice now stands tall over Stacy Keibler and performs the Go Daddy dance, before dropping the elbow right on top of her chest. She goes for the cover, one, two, Stacy pushes her off. Candice climbs back on top of Stacy in the top mount position, slapping her repeatedly across the face as she taunts her. “Face it Stacy, you just aren’t good enough!” Candice turns Stacy over now, rubbing her face into the mat. She brings Stacy back up to her feet now, looking to end this as she hooks Stacy in for the Candywrapper. Torrie Wilson jumps up onto the ring apron to distract the ref along with Candice who releases her hold, throwing Stacy down to the mat. The champion walks over to Torrie as they trash talk each other and just drops her with a big shot to the face. She turns around, straight into a spinning heel kick by Stacy Keibler, this one’s over as Stacy covers her, one, two, thr…..NO, Candice gets the shoulder up. Stacy Keibler is furious, challenging the referee claiming a slow count. She hauls the champion up by the hair, almost pulling it out of her head and whips Candice into the ropes. Spinning heel kick once again by Stacy, that one looks like it might have knocked Candice out cold. Stacy hooks the leg this time, one, two, thr…..Candice somehow kicks out to the shock of just about everyone. What does Stacy have to do to beat her. Uh oh, Stacy is going back to the leg again, figure four leg lock. This is what caused the injury in the first place. Candice is thrashing around on the mat in agony, trying to reverse the pressure. She taps out! Candice had no choice but to tap out in the end, the pain was just too much to bear in the end.

Lillian: Here is your winner and the NEW Women’s champion, Stacy Keibler.

Stacy goes back to the now former champion and locks in the figure four again, looking to put Candice on the shelf. Listen to her screaming out, come on Stacy, enough is enough. The new champion finally relinquishes but it looks like the damage is done as Candice might have torn ligaments in her knee from the pressure applied. Stacy just rolls her out of the ring unceremoniously as she celebrates her big title win with best friend, Torrie Wilson. Chalk this one up as a major upset folks. Ladies and gentlemen, we are about to go off the air but join us tomorrow night where we will hear from our new champion. Also, we hope to have an update on the condition of Dawn Marie and now also the former champion Candice Michelle who has just had to be carried to the back. Goodnight and see you tomorrow.

9 thoughts on “Stacy Keibler VS Candice Michelle Women’s Title Match

  1. I think there will definitely be shenanigans with Stacy as the champion. Somehow I doubt she will be defending the belt in Hell in a Cell matches.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I can’t wait. I know Stacy wasn’t a wrestler really but I used to love their matches back in the day. Trish used to sell like a champ for Stacy.

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