Alexa Bliss VS Aksana Women’s Title Match

It is now time for the championship match between Alexa Bliss and Aksana. All members from both teams have been banned from ringside so this will be a straight one on one match up. Alexa pinned the champion earlier this week in the tag elimination match which led us to this contest tonight, without her backup Aksana has to be worried that her title reign could be in jeopardy. The challenger is out first looking confident and ready. Here comes the champion now, no signs of nerves on her way to the ring but she has to be concerned. The ref calls for the bell and this title match is underway.

Both women lock up in the centre of the ring to get us started. Aksana takes Alexa down with a handful of hair, slamming her down to the mat. Alexa goes for the tie up once again, quickly spinning around behind the champ and executing a rear waistlock takedown. Alexa’s showing her disrespect for the champion as she stands on top of her like she’s riding a surfboard, posing for the fans. She’s stomping down on the back of the champion’s head now, forcing Aksana to roll out of the ring and try to regroup. Alexa Bliss is further mocking the champ with her own signature crawl which infuriates Aksana who charges back into the ring, only to be caught with a nice leg sweep that takes her down to her back. Double knees to the sternum by the challenger as she rolls through, then a beautiful Glitz flip with both knees landing hard on the midsection of Aksana again. Alexa makes the cover, one, two, shoulder up by the champ. The challenger keeps the pressure up, applying a keylock to Aksana who reaches the bottom rope with her legs to break the hold. Alexa now pulls the champion back to her feet by the hair, Divo Drop out of nowhere by Aksana and straight into the cover, one, two, thr…..kick out at the last possible moment by the challenger. Aksana starts to drop those signature elbows of hers before crawling on top of Alexa and pushing her shoulders to the mat, one, two, kick out. Momentum has well and truly shifted in the champion’s favour now.

Aksana now traps Alexa in a figure four headscissors, squeezing the challenger’s head with those powerful thighs of hers. You know what’s coming next as she turns Alexa over, push up facebusters leave Alexa Bliss sprawled out and face down on the mat as Aksana crawls away. The champion is stalking her victim like a predatory cat as she crawls around Alexa, waiting for her to get back on all fours. Nasty side kick to the temple as she crawls on top of the challenger once more, one, two, kick out again from Alexa. Aksana drags a now groggy challenger back up to her feet and lifts her off the mat, looking to drop her with a sidewalk slam. Great counter from Alexa with a tilt a whirl headscissors takedown. Aksana pops right back up walking straight into an arm drag, then a second for good measure. The champion tries to rush Alexa, wow straight right hand to the chin just crumples Aksana to the canvas, allowing Alexa Bliss to make the cover, one, two, kick out by the champion. The challenger hauls Aksana off the mat and goes for the Irish whip, Aksana reverses, sending Alexa spine first into the turnbuckles. Aksana races in but gets caught with a boot to the face, staggering her back. Alexa climbs to the middle turnbuckle waiting for Aksana to turn around, Glitter Blizzard connects as the ref makes the count, one, two, kick out just in time by Aksana. The champion looks to be in all kinds of trouble now as Alexa waits for her to rise to her feet once more. Aksana is wobbly as she lifts herself up, stumbling into Alexa who grabs her by the throat, Chokehold STO leaves the champion down on her back. This is it, the challenger feels her time is now as she scales the corner.

Alexa now signals the end for the champion as she points down at her target. Twisted Bliss, NO, Aksana rolls out of the way leaving the challenger to crash and burn from the top rope. It looks like the champion was playing possum as she suddenly kips up and taunts the fans at ringside. Aksana is lying in wait for the challenger now who is slowly making her way back up but is doubled over, clutching her midsection. Alexa Bliss walks right into a bearhug from the champion who is looking to crush those injured ribs now. The challenger is in big trouble now as the smile widens across Aksana’s face while she taunts her opponent, “Such a beautiful little girl but now I must break you.” Alexa is starting to fade as her arms drop, Aksana is only increasing the pressure now. She kisses the challenger right on the lips who looks to be barely conscious at the point. The referee goes to check the challenger, Divo Drop executed with devastating force. The champion just lays on top of Alexa Bliss nonchalantly, one, two, three. It looks like lightning doesn’t strike the same place twice as Alexa Bliss put up a good fight but just wasn’t able to go the distance in the end. Aksana successfully retains her title.

Lillian: Here is your winner and still the women’s champion, Aksana.

Here comes the remaining members of The Eastern Bloc to celebrate with the champion, who’s power will no doubt have put the rest of the locker room on notice. We have to wrap things up for this evening folks, but join us tomorrow night to find out what is next in line for Aksana and The Eastern Bloc. Goodbye for now.

6 thoughts on “Alexa Bliss VS Aksana Women’s Title Match

    1. If someone can find a way to isolate her from her group again they might stand a better chance. Close but no cigar for Alexa, maybe someone more experienced might stand a better chance.

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  1. Hard luck for Alexa whose inexperience cost her in the end. I’m not so sure Aksana will hold the title for long. She looks far from unbeatable and if she can be isolated from her group she will be vulnerable.

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