Victoria VS Aksana Women’s Title Match

Ladies and gentlemen, our title match main event is next between Victoria and Aksana. Victoria is possibly the only woman left that is crazy enough to take on the Eastern Bloc all by herself. Here she comes, looking as powerful as she ever has and ready for a fight. Now the champion makes her way ringside, as always flanked by the lovely Lana and the mighty Julia Vins. This could be a long night for Victoria if the numbers advantage comes into play. There’s the bell, our title match is underway.

Aksana charges right out of the gates, straight into a big boot by Victoria right on the chin that might have knocked her out. Victoria goes for the cover, one, two, thr…..shoulder up by Aksana just in the nick of time. This title match was almost over in record time. Victoria lifts Aksana of the mat and up onto her shoulders, Spider’s Web drills the champion hard into the canvas. The challenger climbs through the ropes onto the ring apron, slingshot somersault leg drop connects right over the throat of Aksana. Victoria hooks the leg this time, one, two, kick out by the champion who is reeling from this onslaught early on. Victoria quickly rises back to her feet and starts to gyrate over the fallen champion, standing moonsault lands all of her weight on top of Aksana. Lana jumps up on to the ring apron to distract the challenger, Victoria rushes at her but misses with the clothesline attempt as Lana jumps down out of harms way. The challenger sets her sights back on Aksana once again as she heads back over to her and grabs her by the hair, Divo Drop by the champion just knock the wind out of Victoria’s sails. She falls on top to make the cover, one, two, thr…..kick out in the nick of time by the challenger. Aksana now picks herself up and lays the boots into Victoria who is still down on the mat. The champion starts to slither around her victim now as Victoria slowly sits upright, catching a kick to the face from Aksana for her troubles. The champion seductively crawls on top of Victoria and pushes her shoulders down for the pinfall, one, Victoria powers out. Aksana grabs a handful of hair to pull Victoria up off the mat, wow, Victoria reverses with a gorilla press holding the champion high above her head before slamming her down on her back.

Aksana looks to be in deep trouble here as nothing seems to be working to keep her opponent down. Victoria makes her way to the top with the champion lying prone on the mat. Moonsault from the top rope connects, likely crushing the midsection of Aksana in the process. Victoria makes the cover, one, two, Julia puts Aksana’s foot on the bottom rope, three. Lana is screaming to the ref that Aksana’s foot is on the bottom rope, causing the referee to reverse his decision. We should have a new champion here damn it! The challenger wants to make sure of it this time as she drags the carcass of Aksana towards the centre of the ring. She pulls the champion up, Widow’s Peak coming up. No, Lana interferes, dropping Victoria with a brutal Bicycle Kick to the face as Aksana falls down to the mat from her shoulders. The ref calls for the bell as this one ends in a DQ win for Victoria, unfortunately meaning Aksana will retain the title. Oh no, here comes Julia Vins entering the ring now. The enforcer of the group is helping the champion back to her feet as Lana scrapes Victoria up off the canvas now. I don’t like these odds. Hold on just a sec…..

It’s Madison Rayne and she has a steel pipe in hand as she makes her way over the barricade from the crowd. Aksana spots her immediately and exits the ring, fleeing like a scolded dog. Lana drops Victoria in order to take her on, SPEAR by Madison Rayne almost breaks the Russian in half. Uh oh, Julia Vins sets her sights on the returning Madison now who stands tall, steel pipe in hand. Wait a minute, Madison tosses the steel pipe to Victoria who uses it to assault this monster, attacking the midsection with heavy blows from the steel pipe. Julia Vins is reeling as she backs away from Victoria, showing a small sign of weakness for the first time. Maybe there is a way to slay the beast. Victoria backs up before charging Julia, she uses the pipe to clothesline Julia Vins right over the top rope to the floor down below. Oh my god, that still wasn’t enough to take her off her feet as she wisely backs away from the fight up the ramp alongside Aksana. Madison Rayne tosses Lana out of the ring like a piece of trash as both she and Victoria stand tall with their arms raised in the end. Madison Rayne and Victoria have just sent The Eastern Bloc packing with their tails between their legs to end tonight’s show. Ladies and gentlemen, we have unfinished business here. Join us next week to see where these events take us next as no doubt Victoria has a legitimate claim for a rematch for the title. Thanks for tuning in, goodnight.

7 thoughts on “Victoria VS Aksana Women’s Title Match

    1. You could be right. When Victoria is motivated, she’s one of the most dangerous women in the entire division to face.


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