Becky Lynch VS Stacy Keibler

Before we get to tonight’s main event we have to announce our main event title match this Sunday at the Pay Per View: Victoria will take on Aksana one more time for the championship. Onto tonight’s contest now as Becky Lynch will take on this new and more sadistic Stacy Keibler. Out comes Becky first, looking fired up and ready to make her mark on the division. Now it’s Stacy’s turn to make her way out, wow, she’s got some new ring gear, a skintight black catsuit leaving little to the imagination. The ref calls for the bell, Becky vs Stacy it’s on!

Becky looks to tie up to start the match, Stacy fires off a kick to the midsection, caught by Becky who counters magnificently with an exploder suplex that throws Stacy halfway across the ring. Stacy gets back to her feet, walking straight into a leg lariat from Becky Lynch then right into a European uppercut that drops her and sends her rolling to the outside to regroup. Becky mocks Stacy by sitting on the middle rope, inviting her to rejoin the action. It looks like Stacy has had enough already as she waves off this contest and starts to head up the entrance ramp. Becky is having none of it however as she exits the ring and races after Stacy who seems to be unaware as she walks towards the back. Becky catches Stacy and spins her around, BAM! Stacy just cleaned her clock with a Spinning Heel Kick that just dropped Becky Lynch on the steel ramp. Nasty sucker punch, or kick if you will from Stacy Keibler that has just switched momentum of this contest. Stacy is just ruthless as she drags Becky back down the ramp towards ringside by the hair. She hauls the Lass Kicker back to her feet, tossing her full force into the steel steps causing a car crash type collision. Stacy now tosses Becky Lynch back into the ring and follows in behind her as the ref gets to around the count of eight. Now she looks ready to fight seeing as she has the upper hand, sneaky but you have to admit smart strategy from Stacy Keibler.

Becky is reeling as Stacy stomps away at her on the mat. Stacy pulls her back off the canvas and takes her into the corner, lifting her off her feet with a nasty foot choke in the corner. Stacy again with the foot choke, releasing just before the five count as Becky drops to the mat gasping for air. No respite for Becky however as Stacy hauls her up by the hair and takes her down once again with a suplex, floating over into the cover, one, two, reversal by Becky Lynch into the Dis Arm Her armbar. Stacy Keibler is in huge trouble as Becky looks like she’s about to rip her arm off. She’s about to tap, Stacy is in agony as Becky Lynch wrenches her arm back……Stacy gets her foot on the bottom rope forcing the Lass Kicker to release the hold. She can thank her lucky stars for those 42 inch legs there otherwise she was done for. Becky looks fired up now as she starts to rally support from the crowd. Becky comes off the ropes, running leg drop right over the throat of the downed Stacy Keibler. Becky hits the ropes again, another leg drop over the throat and into the cover, one, two, kick out by Stacy. Becky is on a roll now as she drags Stacy Keibler upright and executes a T-Bone suplex perfectly, folding Stacy up like an accordion. She’s relentless now as she pulls Stacy up looking for another T-Bone, Stacy with a rake to the eyes cuts Becky off, buying herself some time. The referee is admonishing Stacy who is having none of it, waving him away. Good god, Stacy Keibler just levelled Becky Lynch with a Chick Kick. Listen to the uproar of disapproval from this audience in attendance as Stacy takes another opportunity to twist the knife.

Stacy is making the most of this opportunity to rile the fans while Becky Lynch slowly stumbles back to her feet. Side headlock applied by Stacy Keibler as she performs Trish’s signature point to the crowd, further mocking her fallen rival. Stratusfaction, Stacy Keibler just drives Becky Lynch face first into the canvas whilst taking another potshot at Trish as the crowd erupt in disgust at this vulgar display. She hooks the leg of the Lass Kicker, one, two, three. Stacy Keibler picks up the win by taking a shortcut as usual as well as ripping of Trish Stratus’s repertoire.

Lillian: Here is your winner, Stacy Keibler.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have to wrap this show up but get ready for the Pay Per View this Sunday. Our main event is set as Victoria is scheduled to face the champion Aksana with the title on the line. Victoria had the championship won last time round before the interference, will she finish the job this Sunday? You’ll have to join us to find out. See you then.

9 thoughts on “Becky Lynch VS Stacy Keibler

  1. Stacy keibler I can’t wait for Trish to come back and delivers some real stratusfaction. Stacy days are numbered . Victoria im sorry black widow will fall short i just don’t see her as championship material at this time. I could be wrong thou.

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    1. Stacy is really milking the win over Trish big time. I’ll put the Trish vs Daphne bonus match up next, then the title match so we’ll find out soon enough if Victoria can get the job done.

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      1. Bonus match will be very interesting. Just want to see Trish beat Stacy s ass. Victoria could prove me wrong I won’t be against a shocking win for her

        Liked by 1 person

    1. She’s a great antagonist for Trish. I’d have loved to have seen Stacy be more of a thorn in Trish’s side back in the day, I always enjoyed their little feuds and Trish always sold a beating well for Stacy in their matches.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah she did . I don’t think Stacy ever beat Trish in any Match . I think she could have once for shock value alone.

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  2. Stacy is killing it in her role right now. Trish has to be wanting to kill her by now with all the antics but Stacy seems to get the upper hand on her more often than not. I wonder if Trish can finally give Stacy her comeuppance.

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