Bonus Match: Daphne Joy VS Trish Stratus Bash On The Beach

We have a special treat for you all tonight folks, sun, sea, sand and two of the hottest women walking the face of this earth getting wet and wild. Model and fitness fanatic Daphne Joy has challenged Trish Stratus to a match, not just anywhere but on the beach. Will it be Stratusfaction guaranteed or will Daphne bring us joy? We are about to find out as both women are ready and look to be in tremendous shape in their bikini’s. Here we go!

Trish and Daphne lock up to start us off, both women trying to overpower the other but neither gaining an advantage. They break apart, stalemate so far. Trish looks to initiate another elbow and collar tie up again, ooh hard slap across the face by Daphne Joy takes Trish by surprise and knocks her on her ass. Daphne pulls Trish up by the hair, Trish with a double leg takedown sweeps Daphne off her feet and down to the sand. Big right hands from Trish to Daphne in the top mount, she looks pissed from that slap and Daphne is paying the price here. Trish is ramming the back of Daphne’s head into the sand now, Daphne with a handful of sand throws it directly into the face of Trish. Daphne has the upper hand now with Trish on her hands and knees, temporarily blinded with sand in her eyes. She punt kicks Trish in the ribs with all her might, sending her rolling across the beach and lying doubled over. Daphne mounts the back of Trish and starts to assault her with some nasty forearms to the side of the face, then changes tactics shoving Trish face first into the sand. This girl fights dirty, I love it. She has Trish down on the ground, choking on sand and on the back foot right from the get go. Daphne showing a surprising level of strength lifts Trish off the sand and executes a technically sound backbreaker. She pulls Trish up again looking for a second one, beautiful reversal by Trish with the whirly bird sending Daphne flying across the sand. Trish now charges Daphne who is rising to her feet, catching her flush on the jaw with a running dropkick that knocks her over again and gains Trish the upper hand in this contest.

Daphne looks to be in trouble here as Trish lifts her up out of the sand, carrying her over to a row of sun loungers. Scoop slam by Trish sends Daphne crashing through one of the sun loungers, destroying it in the process. Trish makes the cover, one, two, kick out by Daphne. Trish pulls Daphne back to her feet again, dragging her towards a nearby beach hut. She throws Daphne with vicious intent into the side of the hut, sending her bouncing hard off the wood and back down to the ground. Trish grabs Daphne by the hair to pull her up, nice reversal by Daphne with the drop toe hold, sending Trish face first into the side of the hut. Look at the vindictiveness of Daphne here as she’s ramming Trish head first into the wood repeatedly. Trish slumps down onto the sand allowing Daphne to go for the cover, one, two, kick out by Trish. Daphne now grabs hold of a nearby parasol as Trish slowly tries to recover and shake off those blows to the head. She walks back towards Trish who is on all fours at this point, ouch, Daphne just broke that parasol right over the spine of Trish, dropping her once more. Daphne turns her over and hooks the leg this time, one, two, kick out once again by Trish. Back in control, Daphne drags Trish by the hair this time towards a nearby volleyball net, tossing her into the pole knocking the net over and taking Trish to the ground again. She lifts the pole up and uses it to attack Trish, luckily for Trish she rolls out of the way as Daphne tried to spear her with it. Daphne’s trying to pull the pole back out of the sand, Thesz press out of nowhere by Trish Stratus who takes her down and starts to assault Daphne with pounding right hands to the temple. Trish pulls Daphne up, snap suplex, then another. She has Daphne up again, German suplex drops her right on the back of her head and neck.

Trish has Daphne softened up now as she picks her up and throws her into the other pole holding the volleyball net up, knocking the net over completely now. It looks like Trish wants to wrap Daphne up in the net now as she drags the mesh over towards her fallen opponent. Wow, Trish just got caught flush in the face with a volleyball thrown with accuracy by Daphne Joy. Trish’s nose is bleeding from that one as she staggers away from the impact. From down on the sand, Daphne pulls herself together and picks herself up, taking advantage of a dazed Trish by mounting her back. She has her legs tightly wrapped around Trish in a bodyscissors and is trying to lock in a rear naked choke. Trish is attempting to shake her off as she stumbles towards the sea but Daphne has those beautiful thighs of hers around the midsection of Trish like a Boa Constrictor crushing it’s prey. Trish is in trouble now as she looks to be running out of air. She drops backwards sending both her and Daphne into the water but Daphne holds on to that bodyscissors and has Trish trapped in a seated position. Controlling Trish from the side now with the bodyscissors, Daphne is trying to drown Trish by dunking her head under the water. Trish is in big trouble here as she is gasping for breath each time her head pokes back out from the water. Daphne has her arm under the chin of Trish, completely dominant in position now as she looks to finish Trish off. “Time to cool off now Trish. Back in the water you go.” She pulls Trish back under the water, there’s no way out for her now, she’ll have to submit or drown.

Trish is frantically thrashing around trying to find a way to escape, but she’s slowing down as she starts to run out of air. She’s not moving, Trish might be out as the referee steps in to check on her. Daphne stands with her arms raised in celebration,”Yes, I just took out the great Trish Stratus. Wooooo!” She turns around, BOOM, Chick Kick lands directly to her head knocking her down. Trish Stratus was playing possum under the water and may just have turned this contest right on it’s head again. She grabs Daphne by the hair and dunks her head first into the water over and over, “How do you like it bitch?” Daphne is now the one in trouble as she’s coughing up water as Trish throws her back ashore onto the sand. She’s slowly trying to crawl away but Trish cuts her off by stepping on her leg. “Where do you think you’re going?” Trish drops an elbow on the spine, leaving Daphne prone on the ground. She grabs hold off both legs, one Sharpshooter is coming up…..


Oh my god, from out of nowhere, Kelly Rohrbach just smashed Trish in the back of the head with a lifeguard float, knocking her senseless. “Remember me Trish?” The ref is waving this one off, Trish Stratus will win via disqualification but it looks like her fight isn’t over yet. “Get the hell out here bimbo. The grown ups have things to discuss.” Daphne Joy slowly staggers to her feet and backs off as Kelly Rohrbach takes control now. She drags Trish on her hands and knees by the hair back into the water and proceeds to drown Trish. Let her go Kelly, she’s had enough. Trish isn’t moving, she’s out as Kelly finally pulls her head out of the water and throws Trish over her shoulder. Kelly just drops an unconscious Trish on the shoreline like she was tossing her garbage away. She pulls out a set of handcuffs now and slaps them on Trish, binding her hands together behind her back. What the hell, Kelly Rohrbach is giving Trish CPR to wake her back up. It looks like it worked as Trish is coming to, coughing up water as her lungs start to fill with air again. Kelly mounts her captive prey, holding Trish down by pinning her shoulders to the sand.

Trish: Get the hell off me you psycho!

Kelly: Soon Trish, first I want something from you before I let you go.

Trish: You want your ass kicked again?

Kelly: Hah I don’t think so. You got lucky last time and I want a rematch, only this time in the ring. You and me one on one in a last woman standing match. What do you say?

Trish: You’re on. Now let me go.

Kelly: Thank you. Now before I go, here’s a preview of what will happen to you in our match. Say goodnight Trish.

Kelly Rohrbach has Trish pinned to the ground and is smothering her with her chest. She can’t defend herself with her hands cuffed behind her back, come on Kelly, enough is enough. At last, Kelly climbs off of her victim but the damage is already done as Trish is out like a light once more. Kelly Rohrbach has made a huge statement today, can she back it up and get her revenge against Trish in the last woman standing match or will Trish gain some payback over her and finish this feud once and for all? We will find out the next time these two come face to face. Goodbye for now.

5 thoughts on “Bonus Match: Daphne Joy VS Trish Stratus Bash On The Beach

  1. Kelly has some guts that for sure challenging Trish to a match in the ring after this attack and choking Trish out twice. Last woman standing will be ….. idk and I let that

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Trish got her ass handed to her by Kelly here, sneak attack or not. What’s your thoughts on the match? Did you think Daphne was a good opponent for Trish?


  2. Daphne really took the fight to Trish but was probably close to defeat when Kelly attacked, taking Trish out twice big time. Who knows, if Daphne kept the pressure on when she had Trish submerged in the water, she may have won the match.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You might be right, Trish didn’t look like escaping Daphne’s clutches in the water. Rookie mistake otherwise she may well have won. Kelly might regret her actions but in a last woman standing match anything can happen.


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