Nikki Bella Championship Address

Good evening ladies and gentlemen, we are about to kick off the show with a few words from our new champion Nikki Bella. Without any further delay, let’s go ringside to hear from her right now. There she is, championship in hand alongside her sister Brie:-

Nikki: Thank you, thank you, you’re too kind.  It’s time for the return of the Diva’s era. Now that we have a strong, sexy, beautiful woman as champion again in me once again and not some hairy Eastern European she man, it’s time to give the fans what they want. I’m going to be the longest serving and best looking champion of all time and I’m bringing sexy back. To prove I’m a fighting champion and deserving of holding the belt, I will defend the title next week against a former champion, Kelly Kelly. This will be a true test of my abilities against such a formidable foe. As far as the last champion goes, Aksana will have an opportunity to face me again and she will find out soon enough how she can earn it. Tonight though I have the night off to recuperate and I plan on painting the town red as I celebrate along with my sister Brie. See you all after the show at the after party, invite only bitches!

I’m not sure what to make of what we have just heard from our new champion but she seems to have a bit of an ego on her and as far as proving herself as a fighting champion, Kelly Kelly, give me a break. Why isn’t the former champion Aksana getting her rematch? Since when did the former champion have to earn a rematch? The luscious Lithuanian might not be a fan favourite, but she dominated the title match last night and would almost certainly still be champion if not for the outside interference by Brie Bella. Also a quick update on Eastern Bloc member Lana. The chair shot to the back of the head has left her with a severe concussion and she will be out of action for a couple of months. While we can’t condone her actions in recent months, we wish her a speedy recovery. Don’t go anywhere folks because coming up is tonight’s main event between Trish Stratus and Alicia Fox. We’ll be right back.

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