Kelly Kelly VS Nikki Bella Women’s Title Match

If you’re just joining this broadcast you are right on time for tonight’s main event for the women’s championship, Kelly Kelly for some reason has been hand picked by the champion to be first in line for a shot at the gold. Let’s get this show on the road. Here comes the challenger first, the fans love Kelly Kelly but she’s a huge underdog in this contest. Here comes the champion now, looking supremely confident as she showboats all the way down to ringside. The referee calls for the bell, women’s title is up for grabs, here we go!

Nikki Starts off with a knee lift to the gut of Kelly, then a second one that lifts her off her feet. A huge clubbing blow to the spine drops Kelly Kelly to her knees, Nikki Bella grabs her in a front facelock and drives Kelly face first into the canvas with a DDT. Nikki with the cover, one, two, kick out by Kelly Kelly. Nikki Bella rolls Kelly over to her front and mounts her from behind, pulling the hair out of Kelly’s pretty blonde head as the ref give till the count of five to release. Nikki pie faces Kelly Kelly into the mat before the count of five to avoid disqualification. She casually strolls around the fallen challenger, taunting her and calling Kelly a loser. With a handful of hair, Nikki Bella drags Kelly Kelly upright only to smash her directly back into the canvas with a wicked Alabama slam and straight into the cover, one, two, shoulder up from Kelly. Nikki pulls the challenger up again and sends her into the corner with velocity, following in with a corner splash, no, Kelly moves out of the way and rolls the champion up, one, two, thr…..Nikki kicks out just in time but that was extremely close there. Both back to their feet Nikki goes to grab Kelly who counters with an inside cradle, one, two, kick out by the champ. Kelly quickly back to her feet approaches Nikki Bella once more, Forearm Smash by the champion. Kelly just got her lights turned out as Nikki steps on her chest to make the cover, one, two, not yet, Nikki just stepped off to break the pin.

Nikki Bella lifts the challenger clean off the canvas and onto her shoulders. You know what’s coming next, Rack Attack executed with brutal efficiency. This one’s over, but the champion Nikki has other ideas as she lifts Kelly Kelly up once again looking to inflict more punishment. Good lord, Nikki Bella is bending her challenger in half with a nasty Torture Rack. Kelly Kelly has no way out of this and is barely conscious at this point, she taps out quickly as Nikki just dumps her on the mat as soon as the bell rings to end this contest. This one was over quickly folks, Nikki Bella obviously wanted to make a statement tonight.

Lillian: Here is your winner, Nik…..

Nikki: Gimme the mic Lillian. As I told you all last week, you are witnessing the return of the Divas era. It takes more than just some wrestling ability to survive in my division as you will all find out soon enough. Only the sexiest of the sexy will stand a chance around here as long as I’m champ, Kelly I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt because you’re cute but you better smarten up and work on your skills or you won’t cut it in MY era. Next week I have the night off so I plan on watching the main event between two women I’ve already beaten, Trish Stratus and Aksana. One of these two may or may not earn another shot soon, all will be revealed in due course. As for my next opponent, I will be defending my championship at the Pay Per View against none other than……….actually let’s just keep it a surprise for now but I’ll give you a clue: it’s a former champion. What better way to prove I am the greatest champion ever by defeating another former champion. Goodnight bitches.

Give me a break. If I didn’t know any better I would assume that Nikki Bella is doing her best to avoid facing any legitimate threats to her title in any way she can, but eventually she will have to come up against someone who earned the spot. Ladies and gentlemen that’s all we have time for this evening but get ready for Trish Stratus vs Aksana next week. Goodbye for now.

7 thoughts on “Kelly Kelly VS Nikki Bella Women’s Title Match

    1. Nikki Bella is going to be hard to beat for the title. The winner of Trish and Aksana certainly deserves to be number one contender but I suspect Nikki has other ideas.

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    1. Kelly Kelly has pretty much been the punching bag of the division so far, I suppose someone has to be. Out of everyone who has ever been a champion, who do you think it will be that faces Nikki Bella next?


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