Trish Stratus VS Aksana

This is it, our main event between Trish and Aksana which may potentially go on to determine who our future number one contender will be, so without further ado, let’s get started. Aksana comes out first as she looks to prove that she should still be the top woman in the division. No sign of Lana who is currently injured and her hired muscle Julia Vins is also surprisingly absent tonight. Here comes Trish now as she looks forward to a match with Stacy Keibler potentially at the Pay Per View. There’s the bell, Trish vs Aksana is on!

Trish looks for an elbow and collar tie up to start us off, Aksana has other ideas with a nice knee lift catching Trish in the midriff then takes her down to the mat with a scoop slam. Quick thinking by the former champion. She pulls Trish up by the hair and runs her head first into the corner, turning her around, hard knife edge chop. Trish reverses position and returns the favour with a stiff chop to the chest of her own, then a second and a third for good measure. Trish with the Irish whip, Aksana reverses sending Trish into the far corner, Trish explodes out of the corner drilling Aksana with a clothesline. She scrapes her Lithuanian opponent off the canvas, snap suplex by Trish takes Aksana straight back down, then a second suplex. Trish picks her up one more time, Russian leg sweep floating over into the cover, one, two, kick out by Aksana. Trish pulls Aksana upright and backs her up into the ropes with some stiff looking forearm shots to the face. Irish whip by Trish, reversed by Aksana sending Trish into the ropes, Thesz Press into a barrage of right hands to the side of Aksana’s temple. Trish has Aksana reeling as she stalks her opponent who is slowly staggering up to her feet again, swinging neckbreaker executed beautifully by Trish who now heads to the top with Aksana in trouble. Trish is lying in wait on the top turnbuckle as Aksana uses the ropes nearby to pull herself up, she’s woozy from the onslaught so far as she turns to face Trish who comes flying from the top. Diving crossbody, NO! Aksana counters with a devastating backbreaker. Oh no, Trish is hurt as Aksana may just have destroyed her surgically repaired spine. Listen to that blood curdling scream, this is bad.

Aksana makes the cover on a badly injured Trish, one, two, thr…..Trish pops the shoulder up, unbelieveable. She may have been better off conceding this match but her pride won’t let her. Aksana drags Trish off the canvas who can barely stand after that backbreaker, nasty sidewalk slam drives Trish spine first back into the mat with brutal force causing Trish to scream out in pain again. She turns Trish over to her front, ooh a nasty knee from Aksana dropped onto the lower spine of Trish. Aksana turns Trish over and hooks both legs, one, two, thr…..another kick out somehow by Trish Stratus. Aksana can’t believe it but stalks her opponent by seductively crawling around her before connecting with a roundhouse kick to the side of the head. Figure four headscissors now has Trish in a tricky spot on the canvas as Aksana slowly cuts off her air. Trish is gasping as Aksana tightens her grip with those powerful thighs and toys with her hair. Aksana turns Trish over, push up facebusters one after another smash Trish face first into the canvas repeatedly. The Lithuanian former champion crawls away as she is in complete control of this contest now. Great display of strength as she lifts Trish up off the mat with a front waistlock, Trish looks out of it as Aksana plants a kiss right on her lips. “Now I break little blonde Princess.” Here it comes, Divo Drop, NOT THIS TIME! Trish counters with a DDT spiking Aksana on top of her head. Both women are down as the referee starts a 10 count.

We’re at the count of seven as Aksana slowly stumbles back to her feet, Trish is still down clutching at her lower back in agony. Aksana grabs a handful of hair, slapping Trish hard across the face on the way up. Spinebuster, Trish out of desperation drilled Aksana into the mat with that one but looks like she has hurt herself almost as much as her opponent as she drops to her knees. Trish uses the ropes to get back to her feet as does Aksana. Right hand thrown by Aksana blocked by Trish who connects with one of her own. Aksana swings a kick, caught by Trish who sweep her other leg away to take her down. Sharpshooter, Trish has the Sharpshooter locked in but Aksana is too close to the ropes, forcing the break. Trish is setting up now, this is it, Chick Kick caught by Aksana who counters, DIVO DROP! Aksana crawls on top of Trish pinning her shoulders down, this one’s over folks, one, two, thr…..Trish with the shoulder up. How in the hell? Aksana backs away in disbelief but Trish is badly hurt and Aksana just needs to compose herself here. She lifts Trish off the mat who is totally limp at this point, Bearhug! Aksana is firmly in control as Trish has nowhere to go trapped in this crushing hold, her strength slowly being sapped away. Trish taps out, she finally relents to the pressure as the realisation dawns on her that there is no other option. Aksana has beaten Trish Stratus tonight, what does this mean with regards to her chances at facing Stacy Keibler now?

Lillian: Here is your winner, Aksana.

Here comes Stacy now with a microphone in hand as Aksana is still crushing Trish in her Bearhug. Trish is barely conscious at this point.

Stacy: Okay Aksana, that’s enough. Don’t finish her off just yet. I still have plans for her. Well Trish it looks like your on the losing end once again. I guess our deal is off for a match at the Pay Per View, besides it looks like you are too beaten up for a Hell in a Cell match anyway. Tell you what, I’ll give you one last chance next week and if you win, I’ll grant you the match. Next Monday night, Trish Stratus vs the unbeatable Julia Vins one on one in a hardcore match. Lose however and I will never give you the match, saying that you might be better off hoping you survive let alone worrying about losing. Good luck Trish, something tells me you’ll need it.

Good lord, it’s not luck Trish needs, it’s a miracle. I’m not sure a fully fit Trish Stratus has what it takes to stop this young monster never mind barely being back from what was a career threatening injury that may just have been further aggravated tonight. Maybe it is time for Trish to just give up on Stacy Keibler and admit defeat on this occasion otherwise her career could be over this time. We are out of time ladies and gentlemen but you don’t want to miss next week as it could be the last time we see Trish Stratus competing in a wrestling ring. Goodnight everyone.

9 thoughts on “Trish Stratus VS Aksana

  1. Congrats to Aksana on a her clean win over Trish Stratus. Making Trish stratus tap out. Aksana will no doubt be looking for a rematch against Nikki the question is will she get it without going through a bunch of obstacles first. Trish Stratus has got to be thinking can I still perform at the level she has in the past. She has a huge test in the rookie Julia. Hardcore may favor Trish thou. Any weapon she can get she will need to defeat the undefeated teenager. Stacy keibler I still think she’s going to get the beating s of all beatings when Trish gets her hands on her.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good question as to whether Nikki will give Aksana a fair shot or worm her way out. Aksana has two huge wins over Trish now, Trish has a point to prove against her if there’s a next time. Trish vs Stacy I don’t think is so clear cut, Stacy seems to have Trish’s number at almost every turn and has given her all she can handle.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Nikki is smart she knows how to keep her title for a long period of time. Aksana vs Trish Stratus three if it happens Aksana has to be a big favor. I just don’t think at the end of the day Stacy can beat Trish if Trish has a fire lite under her butt. But I could be wrong

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    1. That win confirms Aksana as a top tier talent. Stacy may just have saved the best for last by pitting Trish against Julia Vins, even if Trish survives the match there might not be much left for Stacy to finish off.


  2. Stacy might not need to even face Trish if Julia Vins takes her out. Trish vs Aksana rematch is an interesting prospect, Aksana has proven she can beat Trish clean but can she do it with Trish at full strength?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Very true Julia can end Trish s CAREER if Trish doesn’t bring her better effort. REMATCH between Trish and Aksana has a potential of a true passing of the torch if Aksana can beat Trish next time. Aksana Will prove she is the better woman.

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      1. Aksana has the potential to be the best. I kinda think she is right now as the deserving uncrowded champion but if someone can beat her it’s Trish stratus. Stacy I think might be over confident and that will lead to Trish Stratus beating her in the end. But we will see.

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