Trish Stratus VS Julia Vins Hardcore Match

Well this is it folks, our main event and possibly Trish Stratus’ last ever match if she’s not careful. The young Russian makes her way ringside first and she looks to be in top condition, those guns are huge. Julia Vins looks like she could beat most men up. Now Trish makes her entrance and she’s not empty handed as she has a kendo stick in hand. It looks like Julia isn’t waiting for the bell as she exits the ring to meet Trish on the ramp, here we go!

Huge lariat thrown by Julia ducked by Trish who retaliates with a brutal shot to the head with the kendo stick, Julia shakes the blow off. Trish again with another hard shot to the temple, that one staggers Julia back slightly but she stays on her feet. Trish swings one more time, uh oh, Julia catches the kendo stick and grabs Trish by the throat. Julia is choking Trish with one hand, Trish can’t break her grip and is gasping for air just seconds into this contest. Julia Vins finally releases her grip as Trish drops down to her hands and knees, good god Julia just snapped the kendo stick in two right over the spine of Trish. She picks Trish up off the floor with ease and throws her over her shoulder, walking Trish down to the ring and tossing her into the ring with ease. Trish is hurt as she grasps at her lower spine after that shot with the kendo stick, Julia is looking under the ring for another weapon to inflict more pain. Oh no, she finds a table under the ring and tosses it in along with a steel chair, a lead pipe and a sledgehammer. This will not end well for someone tonight. Julia enters the ring under the bottom rope, Trish is landing clubbing blows to the back with all her might but they seem to be having no effect whatsoever as Julia Vins swats her away like a bothersome fly. Trish charges with a running dropkick to a rising Julia that barely staggers her. She comes off the ropes for momentum, diving crossbody but Julia Vins catches her midflight and smashes Trish hard into the canvas with a World’s Strongest slam. Julia with the cover one, two, Trish gets the shoulder up, close call there. She picks Trish up over her shoulder like a small child, running powerslam again driving Trish down on her already weakened spine. Trish is being decimated by the youngster.

Julia Vins sets the table up in the corner with Trish left laying, then lays the steel chair down in the centre of the ring. She turns to Trish who is slowly rising to her feet, scoop slam by Julia Vins directly on top of the steel chair as Trish screams out in agony. Her spine has to be in bad shape from this beating, how much more damage can she sustain? Julia drags Trish up by the hair now and walks her over to the table in the corner, leaning Trish against it while repeatedly slamming the back of her head into the wood. “Now I must break you Trish!” Julia backs up as Trish looks out on her feet as she’s left leaning against the table in the corner, charging corner splash by Julia. OH MY GOD, Trish rolled out of the way, leaving Julia Vins to crash straight into the table, completely destroying it in the process and taking herself out. Trish crawls over and makes a cover, one, two, kick out by Julia this time. Julia isn’t moving so well now after putting herself through that table, Trish is still hurting herself but picks up the chair from the mat as she lies in wait for Julia to get back to her feet. Wow, Trish just smashed Julia over the head with the steel chair, busting her wide open. Julia doesn’t leave her feet however, Trish drills her again, still on her feet but wobbling now. Trish caves Julia’s skull in one more time, destroying the chair with that last shot and finally dropping her to the mat. Trish hooks the leg this time, one, two, thr…..kick out by Julia Vins. Good lord what does Trish have to do to finish her off? Trish sets up for the Chick Kick, stalking Julia Vins who is pulling herself up with the ropes. Here it comes, NO!!! Julia catches her foot and counters with a devastating powerbomb leaving both women down.

Blood is pouring out of Julia’s head and she looks very uneasy on her feet now. This is the most vulnerable we have ever seen her yet she still has the upper hand in this contest. She hauls Trish up with a handful of hair and lifts her up in a military press, bad landing for Trish Stratus as Julia Vins just tossed her over the top rope to the floor outside. Trish is on the floor convulsing, her back may be broken after such a nasty landing. Julia shows no signs of remorse as she exits the ring to continue this onslaught. She grabs Trish by the legs and swings her full force into the barricade, dropping Trish’s limp body upon impact. She might be out cold. Julia pulls Trish up into a front waistlock now and runs her spine first into the ring post, Trish lets out a painful cry that can be heard all over the arena. Julia in complete control just tosses Trish’s carcass back into the ring with reckless abandon, Trish looks to be spent at this point. Julia starts to antagonise the crowd, bragging about the beating she has laid upon Trish while Trish is barely moving in the ring. Trish is slowly crawling over to the lead pipe as she tucks it away under her shirt, hiding it from sight. Julia re enters the ring again, grabbing a handful of hair and pulling Trish to her feet. Trish’s legs are buckling from underneath her as Julia slaps her right across the face. Oh no, this’ll do it, Julia Vins is crushing Trish Stratus with a Bearhug. There’s no way Trish can break free from those arms. Blood is still pouring down Julia’s face but she has Trish right where she wants her, trapped and screaming in sheer agony.

Tears are rolling down the face of Trish as not only is her consciousness starting to slip, but so are her chances of ever facing Stacy Keibler. Julia is now showboating as she mocks the fans while crushing Trish in the centre of the ring. Holy shit, Trish just cleaned her clock with a brutal blast to the head with the lead pipe, dropping Julia Vins to the canvas. Trish can’t capitalise however as she falls to the mat herself, exhausted from the beating she has taken in this match. Trish crawls on top of Julia to make the cover, one, two, thr…..shoulder up, how in the hell? Trish can barely believe it herself as she contemplates what she has to do to put this monster away. Trish has the lead pipe in hand again, this is not going to be pretty folks, OH MY GOD!!! Trish Stratus is just smashing up Julia Vins leg with the lead pipe, Julia is now the one screaming out in agony as she is rolling around on the mat clutching what has to be a shattered leg. Trish isn’t done as she staggers up to her feet again, Sharpshooter! Trish Stratus has the Sharpshooter locked in and has this young teenage sensation in serious trouble for the first time in her short career. She taps, Julia Vins has no choice but to tap out as Trish showed an unseen mean streak in brutally dismantling her leg. Thank god this one is over without someone being killed.

Lillian: Here is your winner, Trish Stratus.

The ref raises Trish’s hand as she can barely stand at this point, wait a minute. Stacy Keibler from out of nowhere just entered the ring and took Trish out with a Chick Kick to the back of the head, leaving Trish face down on the mat. She rips the microphone out of Lillian Garcia’s hand before turning Trish over and kneeling on top of her.

Stacy: Congratulations Trish. It looks like you managed to pull off the impossible and defeat the She Hulk. I guess you and I are destined to face each other at Hell in a Cell after all. Let’s just hope your washed up, broken, tired body can hold up so that I can kick your ass in front of the whole world one more time. See you Sunday bitch!

Stacy slaps Trish hard across the face as the exclamation point on this post match assault, leaving her laid out on the canvas as she raises her arms in celebration. Ladies and gentlemen, Trish Stratus vs Stacy Keibler Hell in a Cell match is on, but Stacy has had Trish’s number at almost every avenue and has left her laying once again tonight. After this brutal encounter this evening is Trish going to be able to compete this Sunday? Only one way to find out, join us live on Pay Per View where the champion Nikki Bella will also be in action, defending her newly won championship against Alicia Fox. Until then, goodbye for now.

5 thoughts on “Trish Stratus VS Julia Vins Hardcore Match

  1. Unreal match great story telling. Trish having to pull out all the stops to beat the teenage beast. Lead pipe shot for you and I hope you never walk again. Then Stacy keibler attacking Trish from behind even thou she could barely stand. Shows she’s fears Trish Stratus even after their previous encounter s.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think that Julia Vins will possibly be gone after this, we’ll see depending on the reaction. I’m not so sure Stacy fears Trish as she has granted her the match in the cell but she certainly doesn’t want to take her on face to face.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. poor Julia see you never lol. Stacy vs Trish help in a cell can’t wait for that one. Great build up to the match really enjoyed it

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Desperate times for Trish during much of that match but she might just have taken the beast out permanently. This could also raise the stakes for Trish vs Aksana. Stacy is really pushing her luck but maybe the mind games will have taken their toll on Trish.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. If this was straight one on one, it’s highly possible that Julia would have crushed Trish but that’s how it goes. It certainly could add fuel to the fire for another Trish vs Aksana. Trish vs Stacy will have a clear winner of the feud after the cell match.


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