Trish Stratus VS Stacy Keibler Hell in a Cell Match

Trish Stratus vs Stacy Keibler 5/25/2002

We are moments away from what should prove to be the final chapter of this long and storied rivalry. Stacy has long been bitter of all the success Trish had in the early days, convinced that she has always been the better woman and the one that the division should have been built around. Recently Stacy has done everything she could to prove this and has seemingly been one step ahead of Trish at every turn, even humiliating Trish and putting her out of action. This could be Trish’s last shot at redemption or Stacy’s absolute proof of her belief of who is best. Trish is first out and looks to have recovered from Monday’s hardcore match with Julia Vins, however time will tell. Now it’s Stacy’s turn to make her entrance, no sign of nerves as she stares at Trish all the way into the ring. Down comes the cell now, locking both women in as the ref calls for the bell to get us started. No escape now!

Trish rushes Stacy right out of the gates landing a Thesz Press and launching an assault of clenched fists to the temple. She pulls Stacy back up, taking her right back down to the mat with a snap suplex. Trish pulls Stacy up to her feet again and goes for the Irish whip, Stacy reverses sending Trish into the ropes. Spinning Heel Kick, ducked by Trish who comes back off the ropes, Spear almost knocks Stacy out of her boots and rolling out of the ring to the floor outside. Trish climbs the turnbuckles, lying in wait for Stacy to pick herself up. Stacy staggers back to her feet and turns to face Trish, diving crossbody from the top rope wipes her out. Trish is on fire tonight. She pulls Stacy up by the roots of her hair, Irish whip reversed by Stacy sending Trish towards the wall of the cage as she charges in behind. Great counter by Trish as she springboards off the wall and drops Stacy with a flying clothesline. She has Stacy up once again and slams her into the cage wall face first, now she’s laying the boots in. Trish is stomping a mudhole in Stacy Keibler and walking it dry. Trish is backing up, allowing Stacy to pull herself back to her feet as she lines up something big. She charges in as Stacy turns to face her, running splash into the cage wall, NO, Stacy dives out of the way as Trish runs full steam into the cage. Spinning Heel Kick, Stacy just about decapitated Trish with that one as she staggered away from the cell wall. Stacy pulls Trish up by the hair and rolls her back into the ring, Trish is like dead weight as that kick might just have knocked her out. Stacy hooks the leg, one, two, shoulder up by Trish.

Stacy has turned this contest around right on its head as she grabs a handful of Trish’s hair and tosses her into the corner, choking her out with a foot choke. No five count as this is no DQ, Trish just drops to the canvas on all fours gasping for air as Stacy boots her directly in the ribs, folding her up. Stacy once again with a handful of hair drags Trish off the mat and tosses her through the ropes to the floor outside, causing Trish to hit the floor mats outside with a hard thud. Relentless, Stacy exits the ring behind her and hauls Trish over to the cell wall. She smashes Trish face first into the cage, then runs her face across the links, scratching up her face. Trish looks a little out of it as Stacy turns her around and starts tying her hair to the cage, Trish is trapped, this can’t be good. Ooh, hard slap across the face by Stacy Keibler has Trish reeling as she’s stuck with her hair in knots around the chain links. Oh no, Stacy has taken hold of the steel steps and is looking to finish this off here and now. She runs straight for the head of Trish with those steps, don’t do it, no! Thank god, Trish managed to get out of the way just in the nick of time, ripping a little of her hair out in the process. Stacy managed to knock herself over as she hit the steps as they collided with the wall of the cell. It looks like we have a way out of this hellish structure now as the steel steps have burst through that panel of the cell. Trish is first to her feet as Stacy is still extremely woozy from her head hitting the steps, she pulls Stacy off the floor and with the Irish whip sends Stacy Keibler right through the cell wall, further opening up the way out.

Stacy is trying to crawl away to no avail as Trish grabs hold of her by the hot pants almost exposing her and smacks her hard across her backside. That’s sure to leave a mark in the morning. Trish lifts Stacy up off the floor and slams her head first into the announce table, then once more for good measure. She lifts Stacy off her feet, scoop slam on top of the table knocks the wind out of her. Trish is on the rampage now as she lays in big right hands to the head of Stacy which has a huge lump where the steel steps connected with, she might have a concussion from all the blows to the cranium. Trish climbs onto the table alongside Stacy looking to do more damage. She sets Stacy up between her legs, good god Trish is going to hit the piledriver on top of the announce table. Don’t do it Trish, you’ll break her neck. Huge desperation counter by Stacy sending Trish through the Spanish announce table with a back body drop. Both women are down as Stacy is holding her head trying to shake the cobwebs while Trish is flat out on her back, who will recover first? Stacy is crawling towards the side wall of the cell to regain a vertical base, Trish has barely moved an inch, she may be unable to continue the match. We may have to get a doctor down to ringside to check both of these women out. What the hell? Stacy is upright and it looks like she’s going to try and climb the cage, Trish is on all fours crawling towards her. Trish manages to grab hold of Stacy’s leg to try and stop her, nasty boot to the face knocks Trish down again. We’re going into high risk territory now folks as Stacy Keibler starts to climb up the side of the cell, Trish isn’t too far behind herself as she also scales the cage.

Stacy Keibler has a potentially huge advantage as she’s first to the top of the cell and immediately heads towards Trish who is almost up too, Trish could be in big trouble. Oh no, Stacy’s laying the boots into Trish as she is almost on the roof of the cell, Trish is barely hanging on. Stacy with another boot, Trish grabs her foot and almost pulls her over the edge but Stacy manages to fall backwards away from certain doom. Trish is up, this is a very precarious place for a fight between two such heated rivals to take place. Stacy is trying to crawl away but Trish grabs her by the leg, she’s going for the Sharpshooter but Stacy manages to kick her off. Woah, Trish stumbled back and almost went over the edge there, close call. Stacy rushes her to try and knock her off, spinebuster by Trish. That one buckled the ceiling a little, they’ll have to be extremely careful or they could both fall through the roof. Trish lifts Stacy up and over her shoulder now, running powerslam drives Stacy hard into the cell as this roof continues to creak and buckle. This is it, Trish is readying to finish Stacy off now as she stalks her from behind. Stacy slowly rises back to her feet looking very unsteady, Chick Kick ducked. Spinning Heel Kick! That’s the second time Stacy has wiped Trish out with her finishing maneuver as she’s left on her back staring up at the lights, Stacy follows up with a hard slap across the face. She has Trish all but beaten now, exactly where she wants her. Stacy Keibler scrapes Trish up off of the ceiling of the cell by the roots of her hair, Trish is barely able to stand as Stacy drags her towards the edge. “I HATE YOU TRISH, GOODBYE FOREVER!”


HOLY SHIT! Trish found the wherewithal to counter Stacy and shove her off the roof and through the announce table down here on the ground before Stacy could do it to her. She drops to her hands and knees at the edge of the cell, seemingly shocked at what has just transpired. The EMT’s are racing down to ringside as the ref throws up the X and calls for the bell to signal the end of this contest and for all we know, possibly the end of Stacy Keibler’s career.

Lillian: Here is your winner as a result of TKO, Trish Stratus.

Trish looks shellshocked as she’s sat on the edge, looking down at Stacy Keibler being strapped into a stretcher. This rivalry had to reach a conclusion but I don’t think anyone wanted it to end like this. Ladies and gentlemen, this is a gravely serious situation here and as soon as we receive any update whatsoever, we will make an announcement. We’re not done yet, coming up next is our main event of the evening for the women’s championship. Alicia Fox vs Nikki Bella, we’ll be right back.

5 thoughts on “Trish Stratus VS Stacy Keibler Hell in a Cell Match

    1. That might be all she wrote for Stacy. I contemplated Stacy winning the match for a while but it was Trish’s time to shine. I was hoping for a bit of uncertainty at that point in the match as Stacy had Trish in a bad way, glad it paid off.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Exactly I didn’t know who was going to win love every word. But glad Trish stratus got the big win here. Just wondering who she will face next.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. All will be revealed for Trish after the title match. I agree on if Stacy were to make a comeback. If she managed to make Trish’s life hell before, just imagine how low she could sink to get over on Trish now.


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