Alicia Fox VS Nikki Bella Women’s Title Match


Image result for nikki bella vs alicia fox

It’s time for tonight’s title match so let’s not delay any further. The challenger makes her way ringside first, Alicia looks as sassy and confident as ever as she looks to capitalise on an unexpected championship opportunity. Now it’s the champion heading ringside accompanied by her twin sister Brie, Nikki has spent a lot of time preparing for this match in the gym as she is in peak physical condition. With the introductions out of the way the referee calls for the bell, it’s on!

They go for an elbow and collar tie up to start proceedings, Alicia Fox spins around behind with a rear waistlock, transitioning into a side headlock. Nikki pushes her off in frustration, she doesn’t look happy. Nikki looks for a lock up again, Alicia with a roll up, one, two, kick out by the champion. Nikki quickly rises to her feet, angrily shoving Alicia Fox out of frustration. What the? Alicia Fox just dropped to the mat like she got hit by a truck as Nikki Bella makes the cover, one, two, three. Nikki is helping Alicia Fox back to her feet as they hug it out, what the hell is going on here? The champion requests a microphone.

Nikki: Thanks Alicia, great workout tonight to help keep me in shape for my next challenger. Speaking of which, starting tomorrow night there is going to be a Gold Rush tournament held in order to determine who will earn the right to be my next unsuccessful challenger. I have personally chosen eight of the top competitors to face off and the winner of the tournament will face me at the next Pay Per View. Those women will be Aksana, Dana Brooke, Eva Marie, Gail Kim, Maryse, Paige, Sasha Banks and Trish Stratus. Good luck and may the best loser win.

What a blockbuster announcement from the champion Nikki Bella tonight, a Gold Rush tournament will be held over the course of this coming month to determine the new number one contender for the women’s championship. Hopefully whoever wins the tournament will put up more of a challenge than Alicia Fox did in this farce of a title match this evening. Ladies and gentlemen, that wraps things up for tonight but join us tomorrow evening for the first two quarter final matches of the Gold Rush tournament. Goodnight.

7 thoughts on “Alicia Fox VS Nikki Bella Women’s Title Match

  1. Nikki bella emphatic win. Just like that and it’s over. The gold rush tournament. I love tournament do you know the first round match up yet?

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