Eva Marie VS Paige

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Good evening and welcome to the show. We kick off proceedings with the first match of the Gold Rush tournament between Eva Marie and Paige. Let’s get this show on the road. Paige is first to appear and she looks ready to make the most of this opportunity to earn a title match, Eva Marie could be in for a long night. Here she comes, all red everything. Eva Marie is showing no sign of fear as she enters the ring. There’s the bell, let’s see who advances to the semi finals.

Super Kick! Paige just jacked Eva Marie’s jaw seconds into this contest as she lets out her signature scream. Paige crawls on top of Eva Marie and lifts her head off the mat, nasty head butts from the Anti Diva. She scrapes Eva Marie back off the canvas and drags her over to the middle rope, brutal knee strikes are knocking the wind out of All Red as Paige is in complete control of this match. Eva Marie falls backwards down to the mat and tries to crawl away from her assailant, no such luck as Paige grabs the back of her head and pulls her back to her feet. Eva Marie is in big trouble as Paige lifts her off her feet, Fallaway slam from Paige as she tosses Eva Marie overhead and sends her to the outside. “THIS IS MY HOUSE!!!” The Anti Diva leaves the ring looking to inflict more pain and punishment on her victim as Eva Marie lays sprawled out on the ringside floor. Paige catches her slowly rising to her feet, snap suplex sends Eva Marie back to the floor hard. Paige rolls under the bottom rope then back out again to break the ten count, Eva Marie is on her feet again holding her lower back and looking for an escape route. She heads towards the ramp wanting no part of this fight as Paige gives chase. Uh oh, Paige has caught up with Eva Marie as she grabs a handful of hair and starts to drag her back towards the ring. Nasty rake to the eyes from Eva Marie to slow Paige down as she follows up with a stiff boot to the midsection. DDT on the steel ramp, Eva Marie has just suckered Paige in and dropped her right on the top of her head. She heads back into the ring as the referee’s count is at five.

Paige is not moving well after that DDT on the steel, she’s slowly crawling towards the ring as the count reaches seven, Eva Marie is posturing inside the ring for the fans. The Anti Diva is so close yet so far, EIGHT. She’s trying to pull herself up with the ringside apron, NINE. Oh no, Paige slumps down on the floor unable to shake off the effects of the DDT, TEN. This one’s over folks as we start the Gold Rush tournament off with a major upset, Eva Marie has just defeated Paige.

Lillian: Here is your winner as a result of a count out, Eva Marie.

Eva Marie continues to rub salt in the wounds as she blows a kiss towards Paige who is slowly back to her feet and re entering the ring now. Paige tries to give chase but Eva Marie is out of there in a flash and makes a hasty retreat through the crowd to escape. What a shocking start to the tournament but stick around ladies and gents because we’re not done yet. Coming up after the break is our second quarter final match up between Gail Kim and Maryse. We’ll be right back.

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