Gail Kim VS Maryse

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Welcome back, we are moments away from tonight’s main event where Gail Kim will take on Maryse for a place in the semi finals of the Gold Rush tournament. Gail Kim is first out as she looks to put her name back on the map. Now Maryse makes her grand entrance, the fans have a real love/hate relationship with her. Both women are former champions, this contest could swing either way as the ref starts the match.

Gail and Maryse lock up to start proceedings, Gail spins behind with a hammerlock and changes up into a side headlock. Maryse backs up to the ropes and shoves Gail off, sending her into the ropes on the other side of the ring. Shoulder block by Maryse knocks Gail Kim on her back. Maryse is mocking Gail, maybe a little too early as Gail Kim kips up and counters the French Canadian bombshell with a Hurricanrana. Maryse is quickly back up but walks straight into a standing dropkick that knocks her over. Gail backs up as Maryse is regaining her feet in the far corner, she charges in and connects with a crossbody in the corner, slipping between the ropes to the ring apron. Gail Kim climbs the turnbuckles, Maryse shoves her off and sends her flying head first into the barricade on the outside. Bad landing for Gail Kim who might be out cold as Maryse exits the ring to go on the offensive.  Maryse is almost ripping the hair out of Gail Kim’s head as she hauls her back to her feet, nasty hair toss sends Gail across the floor writhing in pain. With a handful of hair once again, Maryse lifts Gail Kim to her feet and tosses her back into the ring. Hugely underhanded but effective technique from Maryse as she takes control of this match.

Maryse is stalking Gail Kim as she slowly staggers back upright, the French Canadian beauty is readying to strike. French TKO connects, dropping Gail Kim face first to the canvas. Maryse with the cover, one, two, kick out by Gail Kim. She turns Gail onto her front again and locks in her variation of the Camel Clutch, mocking her opponent as she wrenches back. Gail is in deep trouble as Maryse cranks up the pressure, can she hold on? She’s trying to muscle her way out of Maryse’s grasp, Maryse is desperately trying to hold on but Gail is somehow finding the strength to lift Maryse up off the mat on her back and up in the air. Wow, Gail Kim just dropped Maryse with an electric chair drop. Beautiful desperation counter by the TNA Hall of Famer that leaves both women down. Gail is slowly using the ropes to pull herself up, Maryse is first to her feet if a little unsteady. Maryse quickly head over to Gail Kim and attacks with a double axe handle to the back that knocks her back down to the mat. She drapes Gail over the second rope now, pushing down on Gail with her leg using all of her weight to choke the TNA Knockout, releasing just before the five count. This match is starting to look very one sided with the self proclaimed sexiest of the sexy dominating proceedings.

Gail is in a bad way as Maryse pulls her up and slams her hard into the canvas with a hair pull mat slam. Once more with the hair pull mat slam leaves Gail Kim down as Maryse goes for the cover, one, two, shoulder up. Maryse looks frustrated about being unable to put Gail Kim away so far. She drags Gail up by the hair, executing a devastating forward Russian legsweep that might just be enough to end this contest. No pinfall this time, Maryse drags a barely conscious Gail Kim back to her feet and syncs in a front facelock. There’s the signature hair flip from Maryse, French Kiss DDT! EAT DEFEAT, Gail Kim just spun out of Maryse’s hold and countered with absolute precision. Gail hooks the leg as she makes the cover, one, two, three. Gail Kim is in the semi finals of the Gold Rush tournament.

Lillian: Here is your winner, Gail Kim!

We now know two of the competitors for the semi finals as Eva Marie and Gail Kim won their matches tonight. Next week we will have the other two quarter final match ups as Dana Brooke faces off against The Boss Sasha Banks and Aksana goes one on one with Trish Stratus. Who else will make the semi finals and get one step closer to a title shot against Nikki Bella? You’ll have to join us next week to find out. Until then, goodbye for now.

6 thoughts on “Gail Kim VS Maryse

    1. Eat Defeat out of nowhere. Maryse had things firmly under control and got caught out in a split second. I doubt she’ll be caught out so easily next time.


    1. Shouldn’t be too long to find out. Dana vs Sasha will be up first, then Aksana vs Trish where Aksana will be aiming for a third consecutive victory over Trish.


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