Carmella VS Nikki Bella Women’s Title Rematch


Image result for nikki bella vs carmella

It’s main event time folks, Carmella vs Nikki Bella and it begins right now.

Lillian: Ladies and gentlemen, this contest is for the Women’s championship and will now be a submission match.

Wow, huge bombshell right from the get go. This stipulation most definitely favours the challenger as the champion makes her way to the ring first. Carmella from behind with the sneak attack, knocks Nikki over on the steel ramp. It looks like this bout has started early, here we go!

The challenger is not hanging around tonight as she tosses Nikki Bella down the entrance ramp, sending her rolling towards ringside. Carmella pulls the champion up by the roots of her hair and drags her towards the ring.

Nikki Bella & Naomi vs. Natalya & Carmella: SmackDown LIVE, Sept. 20, 2016

The Princess of Staten Island is all fired up tonight and is taking it to Nikki Bella who much like last week is suffering from a beat down. Carmella tosses the champion into the ring now that she’s suitably softened up, we might be looking at a title change just days before the Pay Per View. No reprieve for Nikki Bella as Carmella grabs her by the back of the head and takes her over to the turnbuckles, ramming the champion face first into the top turnbuckle over and over again. Now the challenger is laying the boots into Nikki, causing her to slump down in the corner. Nasty foot choke by Carmella has Nikki in all kinds of trouble in the corner. Carmella isn’t done yet though as she backs up while Nikki Bella is trying to catch her breath, Bronco Buster. Nikki Bella can barely get back to her feet as she uses the ropes to pull herself back up. The Princess of Staten Island is lying in wait as Nikki stumbles around towards her, Super Kick almost takes the champion’s head off as she drops to the mat. Carmella is completely dominating Nikki Bella in this contest.

The challenger has Nikki by the legs now, possibly looking to end this. She turns the champion over into a Boston Crab, we may be about to crown a new champion. Nikki is in a world of pain from the pressure applied to her lower spine but she’s crawling towards the ropes, great heart being shown by the champion. She makes it to the ropes, Carmella has to release the hold just before the five count. Nikki Bella saved her championship there but it looks to be in real jeopardy now as the challenger has her back to her feet and in her clutches. Reverse STO from Carmella drops Nikki Bella face first on the canvas as she transitions into the Code of Silence. This is it, Carmella is going to win the title. Nikki’s going to tap, her arm is up and she’s about to submit to Carmella’s signature hold. Look at the pressure being applied by the submission, how much more can Nikki’s surgically repaired neck take? Oh my, Nikki Bella is somehow finding the strength to try and fight out of this hold. She’s back to her feet and has Carmella up in the air who’s still trying to keep the pressure on. Alabama Slam, desperation counter by Nikki Bella as she drives Carmella hard into the mat, giving her a chance to catch her second wind in the process.

Both women are slow getting back to their feet now, Carmella is up first as she grabs Nikki by the back of her head again. Nikki breaks her grip with a hard right hand, followed up with some more that back the challenger up. Nikki with the Irish whip, reversed by Carmella sending Nikki into the corner as she follows in. Springboard roundhouse kick, beautiful shot by the champion that levelled the challenger there. Nikki heads for the ropes as Carmella staggers back upright, tilt a whirl headscissors connects. The champion is starting to take control now. Nikki’s setting up for a big shot now as Carmella looks unsteady on her feet, Running Forearm Smash, NO! Carmella ducks it and counters magnificently with a Super Kick to the chin that drops the champion in the corner. The Princess of Staten Island charges in, NIKKI BELLA just popped up and drilled the challenger with a clothesline. That shot rocked Carmella hard. How’s this for a display of power? Nikki Bella just pulled the challenger off the canvas and hoists her up onto her shoulders. Here comes the Rack Attack, Carmella escapes, bulldog leaves Nikki Bella face down on the mat once more. She’s going for the Code of Silence again, if she locks this in it’s over this time, NO!!! Great counter by the champion who rolls through. ANKLE LOCK! Nikki Bella has Carmella in a brutal Ankle Lock submission, the challenger is in huge trouble as she screams out in pain. Carmella rolls through but Nikki hangs on like a pitbull, grapevining the leg. Nowhere for Carmella to go now. She’s reaching for the ropes but can’t quite make it, Carmella taps out. It’s all over folks, Nikki Bella has retained her title.

Lillian: Here is your winner and still Women’s champion, Nikki Bella.

That was a hard fought victory for the champion tonight, probably her toughest defence so far. She’s not done yet however as she looks for a little payback on her aggressive challenger. Nikki pulls her up for a Rack Attack, good god, Nikki just dumped her over the top rope, bad landing for Carmella as her face bounces off the ringside floor. Ladies and gentlemen, as Nikki Bella stands tall in the centre of the ring to end tonight’s show, get ready for Pay Per View this Sunday where Team Stratusfaction take on Vogue in an elimination tag match and Nikki Bella will defend her title against Alexa Bliss. See you Sunday, goodnight.

7 thoughts on “Carmella VS Nikki Bella Women’s Title Rematch

  1. Great job by Nikki proving herself as the champion that I thought she could be. Heart, soul and guts win from the women’s champion. Alexa bliss could be the champion on both shows. Lol.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Champion’s need a little adversity to become great. Carmella certainly provided that but Nikki dumped her on her face in the end.


  2. its nikki bella vs naomi(c) for smackdown title here comes nikki bella with her music she enters the ring and now here comes the champion naomi now last week promo run in which naomi attacks nikki and grabs mic and saying that she is not only going to beat nikki bella and absolutely going to humilate her after the promo both competitors are looking at each other .
    Now the bell ring and match starts naomi get out of ring and crowd boes on her now she comes back again and they start nikki holds naomi from back but the elbow from naomi rattles nikki and nikki is in some pain now naomi takes nikki to corner and serious of heads on mid section of nikki now nikki is some pain nikki try to get up and naomi with some boots on mid section of nikki bella now naomi with some trash talk (i am going to humilate you) now naomi take nikki to middle of ring apply choke to nikki bella nikki bella with surgical repair neck nikki try to get up naomi with kick on mid section followed by brutal body slam on nikki bella naomi covers nikki but nikki kicks out
    Now again naomi controls nikki push her up and set for a suplex gives nikki bella a suplex and kick to her back and again try to pin.Nikki back in some pain now naomi noticed naomi is now start working on her back as soon as she noticed she taken nikki to side of the ring and use ring post to stretch nikki bella nikki is in more pain now .Now naomi take her up and give back breaker to her and strech her back nikki in extreme pain now nikki try to escape and somehow successful but naomi has other ideas she now stand on nikki back and refree with 5 count smackdown champion is dominating nikki bella today now naomi take nikki and tie nikki upside down tree of woe and start kicking her back grab her by her hairs and hitting strongly to turnbuckle nikki is almost out kick out at 2.5.
    Now naomi takes nikki out of ring and pulls nikki to barricade nikki in extreme pain naomi take nikki up and carry over the shoulder nikki gets down off her shoulder and start puching naomi nikkii bella gaining some momentum drop kick to naomi throwing naomi inside ring and again drop kick now nikki is gaining momentum but she is in pain nikki goes to top rope and roundhouse kick to naomi noami kicks out nikki is pulling naomi up but naomi with cheap shot on face of nikki with nails naomi with rear view nikki kicks out at 2.5 but nikki is struggling now naomi takes nikki up nikki tries to fight back but naomi didn;t allow her reverse ddt to nikki bella nikki kicks out again naomi in disblief now naomi takes nkki up with hair shouting and slaping nikki you can’t wrestle and naomi picks nikki up and cm punk inspired finisher GTS on nikki bella now naomi covers nikki bella 1,2,3 naomi wins and still smackdown womens champion takes title and goes forward to unconscious nikki bella pull her up by strongly holding her hairs and drop her with title belt and stand over unconscious nikki bella with the title.


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