Trish Stratus VS Nikki Bella

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It’s main event time ladies and gentlemen, Trish Stratus will go one on one with the Women’s champion Nikki Bella and it starts right now. Here comes Trish, along with her owner so to speak, Kelly Kelly. Trish does not look happy as Kelly is giving her some last minute instructions. Now the champion is making her way ringside accompanied by twin sister Brie, Nikki Bella looks pissed off and ready for a fight tonight. The referee calls for the bell, let’s get it on!

Trish and Nikki approach each other in the centre of the ring, huge slap across the face by Nikki knocks Trish over. Nikki Bella isn’t playing around tonight as she mounts Trish and starts to assault her with lefts and rights on the canvas, Trish is trying to cover up on the bottom. Nikki in firm control pulls Trish up off the mat and takes her over to the corner, smashing her head into the top turnbuckle. Nasty hair pull mat slam drops Trish back down to the canvas again, I haven’t seen Nikki this fired up in quite some time, Trish is in trouble early on here. Nikki now grabs Trish aggressively by the back of the head and rips her top off, exposing her bra much to the delight of the fans. “WE WANT PUPPIES clap, clap, clap clap clap. WE WANT PUPPIES clap, clap, clap clap clap.” She’s choking Trish out with her own top now, relenting just before the count of five so as not to be disqualified. Trish is completely out of sorts here, she needs to get her head in the game fast before Nikki Bella annihilates her. Brie is offering plenty of encouragement from the outside, Kelly Kelly from behind just struck her in the back with a clubbing forearm, knocking her down to the floor. Nikki goes over to the other side of the ring to check on Brie as Kelly pulls her up by the hair, Brie counters with a Yes Lock, catching Kelly unaware on the outside. Trish is staggering over towards Nikki but the champion was ready for her with a boot to the stomach, Bella Buster connects. Trish is face down on the mat in a vulnerable position as Nikki looks ready to end this contest. Wait a minute, Eva Marie and Raquel must have come through the crowd as they pull Brie off their leader and abduct her, dragging her up the ramp backstage. Nikki is furious as she looks to help her sister.

Brie is frantically trying to break free of Eva Marie and Raquel’s grip to no avail. Nikki gives chase up the ramp, catching them and flooring Raquel with a stiff Forearm Smash to the face. Eva Marie throws a right hand blocked by Nikki who floors her with another Forearm Smash. She helps Brie back to her feet before racing back to the ring with the count at seven. Nikki makes it back in time before being counted out but she walks right into a massive Spinebuster by Trish that levels her. Trish is setting up for the finishing blow now as Nikki stumbles back to her feet, Chick Kick, no Nikki catches her foot and lifts her off her feet, Alabama Slam. Nikki Bella has dominated Trish from the start tonight, I think Kelly Kelly has really thrown Trish off her game last week with the humiliation. Nikki isn’t holding back now, she pulls Trish up and hoists her onto her shoulders, Rack Attack countered by Trish with a roll up, one, two, Nikki reverses with a roll up of her own, one, two, Trish kicks her off towards the ropes. SMASH! Oh no, Kelly Kelly just levelled the champ with a chair shot right to the head, Nikki has to be seeing stars after that shot as the ref waves the match off. Brie tries to intervene now but she’s no match for Eva Marie and Raquel who just beat her down. Trish is asking Kelly what the hell is going on as she enters the ring, microphone and chair in hand.

Kelly: Shut the hell up Trish, your job is not to question me but do as I say. You were an embarrassment tonight, getting your ass handed to you by a Bella so I decided to step in before you made Vogue look any worse. Seeing as you screwed up the one task I had for you this evening, I have one more task for you that you had better not mess up. Eva Marie, Raquel, bring that sorry little skank into the ring.

They toss Brie Bella into the ring, entering behind her and holding Brie Bella in place with an arm each. Layla and Joy have now joined the action as they hold Nikki Bella down, forcing her to watch what is about to unfold. Kelly hands Trish the steel chair now.

Kelly: Do it! Hit her, NOW!

Trish: I can’t. Please Kelly, don’t make me do this.

Kelly: Fine, Trish Stratus, YOU’RE FIIIRRE…….


Good lord Trish just swung that chair at the head of Brie Bella like her life depended on it. Her career certainly did. Listen to the boos, I don’t think the fans can believe what they are witnessing. Brie is out like a light, she’s not moving as Nikki is screaming out to her, showing genuine concern for her twin sister.

Kelly: Good Trish, is it starting to sink in yet? No one really cares about you. Now Layla, Joy, bring the champ over. Excellent, now Trish, batter up!

Trish looks distraught at the thought of what she has just done. Nikki has a fire in her eyes as she glares directly at Trish.

Nikki: I’ll kill you for this you bitch!

Trish: I’m sorry.


She almost bent the chair in half over Nikki Bella’s head as she drops the chair and drops to her knees in despair. Oh no, Nikki is busted wide open from the chair shot. Both Bella twins are out cold and probably have concussions, Kelly Kelly looks pleased with the destruction she has caused.

Kelly: Good job Trish, maybe you aren’t completely useless these days. As for you Nikki, see you next week when you can hand me the title. Make sure to wash the blood off it for me. Joy, put the collar back on her, okay lets go girls, time to celebrate with the next Women’s champion. Oh I nearly forgot, my special announcement. We will have a special guest referee, none other than Trish Stratus herself will decide who the champion will be. Goodnight losers.

Ladies and gentlemen we can only apologise for what you have just witnessed. The actions of Vogue and unfortunately I have to say Trish Stratus in particular were deplorable. Her career may well be on the line if she disobeys Kelly Kelly, but at what cost to her conscience. We have to go now, but you won’t want to miss next week’s title match which promises to be explosive. See you then.

7 thoughts on “Trish Stratus VS Nikki Bella

  1. Dang Nikki was totally destroying Trish in this match. Until Kelly Kelly got involved and the rest of her goons. The after match was very interesting. Trish cracking the skulls of both BRIE and Nikki as order by Kelly. Nikki will no doubt be looking for revenge on Trish for that and Trish will definitely regret her actions tonight. The title match Nikki vs Kelly I see Trish somehow helping Nikki win don’t know how she’s the ref she can do a lot of things.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Trish is all over the place thanks to Kelly Kelly. Nikki will be looking for revenge but may be in no state to get it and Kelly could very well take advantage now.

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