The Beautiful People vs Vogue

Image result for angelina love velvet skyImage result for trish stratus and kelly kelly

As we head into our main event for the evening, we still have no idea as to who has been taking out Vogue over the past couple of weeks. Tag team action coming up though as the newly reformed Beautiful People take on Trish Stratus and Kelly Kelly. Here come Angelina and Velvet now to the delight of the crowd as they perform their signature entrance. Now comes the champion along with her personal assistant Trish, they look confident as they play up to the fans. It looks like Angelina and Trish will start us off as the bell rings.

They lock up as Angelina backs Trish into the corner, releasing as the ref tries to split them apart. Nasty slap across the face angers Angelina as Trish switches position, attacking with a knife edge chop to the chest, then a second for good measure. Angelina retaliates as she reverses Trish into the corner and hits a mean chop to the chest of her own. She follows up with a foot choke in the corner as the ref gives her a five count to release. Angelina drags Trish with a handful of hair towards Velvet who has her foot up on the top rope, slamming Trish face first into it before making the tag. In comes Velvet now who executes a swinging neckbreaker to take Trish down to the mat. Velvet with the cover, one, two, Trish kicks out. Velvet pulls Trish back up and takes her right back down again with a suplex, Trish landing hard on her spine as she scurries over towards Kelly on all fours to make the tag. It looks like our champion wants no part of this match as she jumps off the apron to avoid the tag, Velvet takes advantage as she grabs the leg of Trish and drags her back into the centre of the ring. She connects with a couple of kicks to the hamstring of Trish, then drags her back towards Angelina and tags her in. Both members of The Beautiful People pick Trish up and send her into the ropes, double back elbows knock her down followed up by the Holla elbows. Great teamwork as The Beautiful People are in control.

Trish is in trouble as Angelina lands a standing leg drop over the throat. She hits the ropes for momentum, no, Kelly Kelly catches her with a roundhouse kick to the lower spine to halt her. Angelina with a forearm smash to the face of the champion drops her off the ring apron but it gave Trish enough time to recover as she catches Angelina off guard with a back drop. Vicious offence from Trish as she stomps away at her opponent on the canvas, finally relenting and tagging Kelly in. Now the champion wants to enter the fray with Angelina Love beat down. Knee drop to the gut by Kelly and a second one. She pulls Angelina away from the ropes, big splash to the midsection and into the cover, one, two, shoulder up from Angelina Love. Smart strategy from Kelly as she drags Angelina over to the corner and locks in a stifling bodyscissors, inflicting further damage to the midsection. She stretches her hand out to Trish, there’s the tag.  Hard slap across the face of Angelina as Kelly releases her hold, allowing their prey to slump to the canvas. I think Trish would rather embarrass her opponent than finish her off as she steps on her lower spine on her way towards her corner. Nasty punt kick to the ribs from Trish as she starts to scale the turnbuckles, no doubt looking to target the injured area. Here she comes off the top with a Frog splash, desperation counter from Angelina Love who gets the knees up in the nick of time. Both women are down hurting as their partners each call out to them to make the tag.

Trish and Angelina are inching their way towards the respective corners, Trish makes the tag to Kelly who enters the ring in a hurry. She races over to the far corner, catching Velvet with a back elbow and knocking her off the apron as she was stretched out reaching for a tag. She pulls a woozy Angelina Love away from her corner by the leg, look at that evil grin. Enzuigiri, Angelina Love counters out of the blue, almost decapitating Kelly Kelly. She makes the tag, here comes Velvet Sky and Kelly doesn’t look so confident now. Clothesline by Velvet to Kelly, then another one as she pops back up. Stunner, Velvet just knocked the champ out with that one. Velvet hooks the leg, one, two, Trish breaks up the fall. Trish with a handful of hair pulls Velvet Sky up from the canvas, SPEAR by Angelina Love sends both Trish and herself spilling to the floor outside. Just Kelly and Velvet left in the ring now as Velvet lifts a groggy champion off the mat and hooks both arms. IN YO’ FACE!!! Velvet Sky drops Kelly face first to the mat and just steps on her chest with one foot to make the cover as Trish and Angelina brawl on the outside, one, two, three. Huge win for the newly reformed Beautiful People tonight as Velvet Sky may just have staked her claim for a rematch with Kelly for the title.

Lillian: Here are your winners, The Beautiful People!

The lights are flickering around the arena, we’ve seen this before. What’s happening now? The screen is showing something backstage as Trish helps Kelly towards the back, holding the champion up as they watch events unfold. Joy Giovanni is bound to a chair as we witness a leather clad, masked woman with her back to us.

Joy: Okay I’ll do it. I’ll face you one on one next week with no interference from Trish or Kelly and if you win, you get a title shot. I can make it happen.

That seems to have woken Kelly up who looks at the giant screen in disbelief. She’s pissed off that her ally would throw her under the bus like this but what choice does she have?

Mystery Woman: Good. Once I take you out next week, just two more to go.

She’s taking her mask off but her back is still to the camera. Wait a minute, I recognise that voice. That’s……….

It’s Candice!!! Candice Michelle is back and she is single handedly taking Vogue apart, piece by piece. It looks like we have our main event for next Monday night, Candice Michelle vs Joy Giovanni and if she wins, it looks like she’ll be getting a title shot. Velvet Sky and Angelina don’t look to pleased with proceedings as the returning Candice may just have leapfrogged both of them in title proceedings. We’re out of time folks but you have to join us live next week for a main event with potentially huge implications. Goodnight.

13 thoughts on “The Beautiful People vs Vogue

  1. Huge return for The Beautiful People as a team and the pinfall from Velvet may just put her into title contention. So Candice was the assailant in the end, never seen that one coming. I was convinced it was Gail Kim, love it though.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I had Candice in mind from the beginning but almost made it Gail Kim when you made that guess as the role would have fitted her beautifully. Maybe we could see a triple threat match with Candice, Velvet and Kelly for the title if Candice gets past Joy next time.


    1. Hate to break it to you but Kelly is not that type of champion. She’s playing the role of a coward that will do anything it takes to hold onto the title, hell she even has Trish Stratus under her command. That’s a lot of spotlight for someone who I don’t even particularly like.


      1. After candice takes out not Trish comes out and injured candice. Then kelly comes to celebrate but Trish attacks her and locks her in the sharpshooter and won’t let go till kelly agree on a match for her freedom


    2. What do you mean? Kelly has been awesome as champ so far. Her group took out a team of some of the greatest women’s champions ever and she enslaved the greatest of them all in Trish. She’s supposed to be unable to do it alone, she’s a heel and has never exactly been a ring general. We’re not talking about a Charlotte Flair or a Becky Lynch here.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. The beautiful people looking better than ever. Velvet pins the champion but her happiness turned to argue after she got pushed back down thanks to a returning Candice Michelle. Candice is about to become the number one CONTENDER.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I just don’t see Candice losing her first match back. Seems like she’s crossed the line of just being a bada$$ the way she’s taking out Kelly’s goons so far. But you never know

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