Invasion Match 3 Angelina Love VS Charlotte

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It’s main event time folks, Charlotte Flair is all that stands in the way from Dixie Carter gaining complete control and Angelina Love is her soldier going into battle to help her achieve victory over Stephanie McMahon. The stakes are as high as they get. Angelina Love is on her way to the ring and she is in fantastic shape, possibly the best she has looked in her career. Now out comes Charlotte who just oozes confidence as she sizes up the TNA Knockout. The bell sounds for what could be the final match of the series, it’s on!

Charlotte goes into a clinch with Angelina, going behind with a hammerlock and transitioning into a side headlock. Nice side headlock takedown by Charlotte who stands tall over the TNA Knockout, shades of her father Ric Flair as she struts and woos while Angelina Love picks herself back up. They tie up once more with Charlotte applying the side headlock again. Angelina fires off a couple of shots to the ribs in response and pushes Charlotte off into the ropes, hard shoulder tackle by Charlotte knocks Angelina Love down. Charlotte’s using the ropes for momentum, leaping over Angelina who drops down behind her and coming off the ropes again, huge hip toss by Angelina Love who mocks Charlotte now with a woo of her own. Furious, Charlotte quickly rises and charges Angelina but gets taken off her feet with an arm drag. She jumps up and rushes in again, walking right into a standing dropkick that sends her rolling to the outside to regroup as Angelina Love fires up the fans. Charlotte re enters the ring again, looking to slow things down and control the pace again. Angelina looks to lock up again, Charlotte cuts her off with a knee lift to the midsection and plants the Knockout on her back with a scoop slam. Charlotte pulls Angelina up by the head and brings her crashing back down with a swinging neckbreaker, following up with a leg drop over the throat. She hooks the leg, one, two, kick out by Angelina Love.

The genetically superior athlete lifts Angelina Love off the canvas and takes her into the corner, unleashing some hard knife edge chops that leave their mark. Charlotte takes Angelina back out of the corner with a snapmare now and quickly attacks again as she comes off the ropes, landing a front dropkick to the face. Shades of her father again here as she kneels over the throat of her opponent, releasing just before the count of five from the referee. Fully in control, Charlotte drags Angelina off the mat again and whips her into the ropes, Botox Injection connects! Angelina Love exploded into action there and just ended this contest in one blow as she makes the cover, one, two, thr…NO! Shoulder up by Charlotte just in the nick of time but she’s in a bad way. The WWE Superstar stumbles back to her feet, staggering into the direction of Angelina who pulls off a hurricanrana that takes her back to the canvas. Charlotte is reeling now as Angelina Love lies in wait. She charges full speed at Charlotte again, Botox Injection, misses this time as Charlotte ducks the impact. Nasty counter attack from Charlotte as she catches Angelina Love from behind with a chop block. We know what she’s setting up for now as she drops the elbow onto the leg of the TNA Knockout, then another one. Charlotte now drives the leg of Angelina into the canvas with a leg DDT. Angelina Love looks to be in some discomfort now.

Here it comes, Charlotte is looking to sync in the Figure Four. She has Angelina Love’s legs wrapped up but Angelina is trying to fight out of it as she fires off some stiff right hands to fend her off. Hard roundhouse kick to the skull from her back by Angelina sends Charlotte stumbling back, allowing Angelina to get back to her feet. She’s limping at this point as she looks towards Charlotte, Big Boot connects. Charlotte just drilled Angelina Love as she was trying to get some feeling back into that injured leg, leaving her staring up at the lights. The daughter of Ric Flair isn’t done yet as she drags Angelina Love into position near the corner and climbs the turnbuckles. Here she comes, Charlotte from the top rope with a moonsault, MISSES. Angelina Love moved out of the way in the nick of time, leaving the WWE Superstar to crash and burn. Charlotte is slow to get back to a vertical base as she clutches her ribcage, BOTOX INJECTION CONNECTS! Down goes Charlotte as Angelina Love makes the cover, one, two, three. It is all over, oh my god, Dixie Carter now runs the show. NO!!! Charlotte has her foot over the bottom rope. The referee has spotted it before calling for the bell, pointing it out to Angelina Love who is furious at the reversal of the decision. She would be better focusing on the match rather than arguing with the referee as Charlotte is using the ropes to pull herself upright. Angelina turns her attention back to her opponent now, SPEAR!!! Charlotte rolls her up and has a handful of tights, one, two, three. Charlotte Flair has just snatched victory from the jaws of defeat, she obviously learned her lessons well from the dirtiest player in the game.

Lillian: Here is your winner, Charlotte!

Dixie Carter and TNA still lead this series 2-1 going into this Sunday’s Pay Per View but given the circumstances, Charlotte Flair has at least given Stephanie and WWE a lifeline. It all falls down to the champion Candice Michelle to try and level the score against Madison Rayne which will be no easy task against a former champion in her own right. Tonight’s result may yet have only delayed the inevitable, we will know the answer in six days time. That’s all for this evening but join us live this Sunday to find out if we will all be working for Stephanie McMahon or Dixie Carter. Goodnight everyone.

6 thoughts on “Invasion Match 3 Angelina Love VS Charlotte

  1. You almost had me with the false finish. Great match, now can the champ save WWE or does Madison Rayne kill them off? I’m leaning towards Madison shocking everyone and ending the series.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad you liked it and it sounds like the pin attempt had the desired effect. I don’t know if Madison Rayne beating Candice Michelle would be such a shock but it should be a close call.


    1. Candice has a lot riding on her shoulders. She may fold under the pressure which is all on her as champion whereas Madison has nothing to lose.

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