Tessa Blanchard VS Priscilla Kelly

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It’s time for our last quarter final match now between Tessa Blanchard and the Gypsy Queen, Priscilla Kelly. Tessa is first to make her way to the ring, the daughter of Tully Blanchard is a third generation future superstar. Now comes Priscilla, the self proclaimed Gypsy Queen who is known to unnerve her opponents with her suggestive tactics and mentality in ring. There goes the bell, who will be our fourth and final semi finalist?

Elbow and collar tie up initiated by Tessa, backing Priscilla up into the corner. She recoils in disgust due to Priscilla trying to pull her in for a kiss. Both women are sizing each other up as they circle the ring, Tessa locks up again and goes behind into a rear waistlock. Mind games are being played by Priscilla as she rubs up suggestively against Tessa, causing her opponent to break off uneasily. Wow, Tessa Blanchard left her mark on Priscilla there with a hard slap to the face. Priscilla turns back around, walking right into a clothesline from Tessa. She’s back to her feet quickly but Tessa drops her again with a standing dropkick this time. Tessa pulls Priscilla up and whips her into the ropes, running crossbody straight into the cover, one, two, kick out by Priscilla. Both women rise to their feet fast, Tessa stops Priscilla with a boot to the midsection. Irish whip by Tessa sends Priscilla into the corner. She charges in but Priscilla counters with a back elbow. Woah, momentum shifts in the blink of an eye as Priscilla sends Tessa face first into the middle turnbuckle with a reverse STO. The gypsy queen heads to the far corner before charging in, running hip attack connects. Tessa Blanchard looks out of it, slumped in the corner while Priscilla grabs her head and kisses her on the lips. Back to her feet, Priscilla looks to humiliate Tessa some more as she rubs her face in it, literally with a stink face. The Gypsy Queen’s mind games are paying off so far. She takes Tessa out of the corner with a snapmare and hooks in a rear chinlock, Priscilla has taken charge of proceedings.

Tessa Blanchard started off well but is now on the back foot in this contest. She’s looking for a way out of Priscilla’s submission but the longer she’s in it, the more energy is being sapped from her. Tessa is somehow making it back to her feet as Priscilla hangs on. She fires a couple of elbows to the ribs of Priscilla to try and break her grip, Priscilla slams her back down by the hair. Shades of Paige from the Gypsy Queen who crawls on top of her prey and assaults her with some wicked headbutts. Look at that for disrespect, Priscilla just grabbed a vulnerable looking Tessa by the head and she just licked the side of her face before slamming the back of her head off the canvas. She makes the cover with her chest on top of Tessa’s face, one, two, woah, Tessa reverses positions. Big right hands from Tessa Blanchard in the top mount position, Priscilla’s mind games may just have backfired and lit a fire under Tessa. The crowd seem to be fully behind the young third generation star as she pulls The Gypsy Queen up off the canvas and tosses her halfway across the ring, following up with a running clothesline that takes Priscilla off her feet. Tessa using the ropes, senton splash with a cover, one, two, Priscilla counters with a roll up, one, two, Tessa rolls out. Both on their feet, Tessa strikes first with a kick to the midsection. Gutwrench suplex takes Priscilla down and sends her scrambling for the corner. Tessa charges in as she pulls herself up, corner splash connects, dropping the Gypsy Queen in the corner. It looks like the tables have turned as Tessa looks for some revenge on Priscilla, going for a stink face of her own, NO!!! Unorthodox counter by Priscilla who sinks her teeth into Tessa’s backside, forcing her to recoil in pain.

Tessa turns to face her opponent again, Super Kick by Priscilla knocks Tessa flat on her back. Priscilla stacks Tessa up in a matchbook pin for the cover, one, two, shoulder up in time by Tessa. She drags Tessa back to her feet by the hair and slaps her right across the face, turning her right around and leaving her staggering. The Gypsy Queen comes off the ropes, Tilt a Whirl Dragon Sleeper. This is it, Priscilla has her finisher locked onto Tessa good and tight. She’s stranded in the middle of the ring, CUTTER by Tessa Blanchard. Amazing counter by the youngster who crawls on top of Priscilla to make the cover, one, two, three. Tessa Blanchard picks up the win and moves on to the semi finals.

Christy: Here is your winner, Tessa Blanchard!

We now have our four semi finalists with both matches taking place next week. Charlotte will go one on one with Jenny Rose if she has recovered and Toni Storm will face off against Tessa Blanchard. Still to come is our tag team main event, don’t go anywhere.

3 thoughts on “Tessa Blanchard VS Priscilla Kelly

    1. I’ve seen a little bit of Tessa who looks like a future WWE star. Priscilla I don’t know much about but her gimmick sounds pretty cool and I like the sound of a match with Trish, using her sexuality to try and throw Trish off her game.


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