Bonus Match: Trish Stratus VS Ivanka Trump Submission Match

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It’s main event time and what a contest we have for you ladies and gentlemen, Ivanka Trump is about to go one on one with Trish Stratus in a submission match. Both women have laid each other out in recent weeks as the animosity has grown between them and it will all come to a head tonight. This match will also be no DQ with the added stipulation that if Trish loses, she has to become Ivanka’s latest acquisition. Without further ado, let’s get this show on the road.

Trish looks ready for battle as she awaits her opponent, speaking of which…

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For someone who isn’t an active wrestler, Ivanka looks extremely confident. Both women haven’t taken their eyes of each other as they stare a hole through one another. The referee calls for the bell, here we go!!!

Trish charges at Ivanka full steam, woah! Ivanka just blinded Trish by throwing some kind of powder into her eyes. Devious but smart from the President’s daughter. Trish is screaming in pain from whatever this substance is burning in her eyes as Ivanka grabs her by the hair and pulls Trish down to the mat. Ivanka from the top mount is throttling Trish as she mocks her, “You’ll belong to me soon Trish.” Ivanka has Trish reeling as she repeatedly slams the back of Trish’s head off the canvas, Trish still suffering from the effects of that powder to the eyes. Ivanka pulls Trish back to her feet, Trish instinctively counters with some shots to the midsection but she’s cut off with a knee to the ribs. DDT connects dropping Trish on top of her head and leaving her face down on the mat, barely able to move. Ivanka Trump firmly in control now looks to lock in a crossface but Trish elbows her way out of her opponent’s clutches. Ivanka backs off as Trish is on all fours trying to recover. Ivanka kicks Trish as hard as she can in the ribs, sending Trish rolling across the ring and leaving her folded up trying to catch her breath. She drags Trish up with a handful of hair once more, looking to inflict more punishment but Trish fights back with some stiff forearms to the face. Trish backs Ivanka up against the ropes, hard knife edge chop to the chest. She goes for the Irish whip, Ivanka reverses sending Trish into the ropes, Thesz Press by Trish takes Donald Trump’s daughter down to the canvas. Trish follows up with some big right hands until Ivanka pushes her off. Ivanka quickly to her feet charges in with a clothesline, Trish with the MaTrish avoids contact and counters beautifully with the Whirly Bird sending her foe to the outside.

Ivanka Trump picks herself back up as Trish comes off the ropes with a head of steam, Baseball Slide sends the young businesswoman crashing into the side of our announce table. Trish pulls Ivanka back to her feet and whips her hard towards the steel steps but quick thinking by Ivanka who leaps over them. Trish giving chase now as Ivanka high tails it around ringside trying to create some distance before crawling under the ring to try and escape. Trish follows her in pursuit, who knows what the hell is going on under there? Here comes Ivanka out the opposite side first with Trish closely behind. Miss Trump takes advantage by laying the boots into Trish as she appears out from under the ring apron. Ivanka looks under the apron for something to help in the fight, a steel chain will definitely make a difference as she wraps it around the throat of Trish. She pulls Trish up with the chain still around her throat, tossing her more experienced adversary back into the ring. Ivanka charges Trish picking herself up, nasty clothesline using the steel chain drops Trish flat on her back and leaves her gasping for air. No rest for the wicked here as Ivanka wraps the chain back around the throat of Trish, looking to choke her out as the referee checks on her. Trish might be fading with this assault beginning to take its toll on her, eyes rolling to the back of her head as she slowly succumbs to the pressure applied. Great heart shown by Trish who manages to flip Ivanka over her shoulder, giving her a brief moment to catch her breath. Ivanka isn’t hanging around as she rushes towards her kneeling victim, Spinebuster out of nowhere from Trish plants Ivanka. Both women are down.

Both women slowly stumble their way back to their feet, Ivanka clutching at the base of her spine while Trish tries to shake the cobwebs from her head. Ivanka rocks Trish with a brutal slap across the face, Trish retaliates with a thunderous right hand that drops Ivanka. Trish grabs Ivanka’s leg, Single leg crab, Ivanka Trump is in deep trouble as she scrambles for the ropes. Trish is trying to drag her back towards the centre of the ring but Ivanka manages to grab the bottom rope in time to save herself. Trish releases the hold, backing up in the corner as Ivanka limps up to her feet. Bulldog by Trish Stratus, dropping Ivanka on her face. Looking to press home the advantage, Trish pulls her opponent up and sends Ivanka into the corner with an Irish whip. She follows in but takes an elbow to the face for her trouble. Ivanka climbs onto the second turnbuckle but Trish cuts her off with the Stratusphere, NO!!!


Trish is in grave danger as she grasps for the bottom rope but Ivanka pulls her away to the centre of the ring, increasing the torque on her lower back. Look at the pain etched across the face of Trish, she’s about to tap. Ivanka has a smile like a Cheshire cat on her face as she taunts Trish, “You’re mine now Trish, you’re hired!” Trish has nowhere to go in the middle of the ring as the will to go on seems to be leaving her. I don’t think she can hold on much longer, great counter by Trish as she pulls at Ivanka’s leg, dropping her to one knee and breaking the hold. The damage may already be done however as Trish slumps to the canvas. Ivanka takes advantage by slamming Trish face first into the mat over and over. Ivanka Trump has surprised us all tonight by taking the fight to Trish and being the aggressor. She pulls Trish up by the hair, Trish looks out on her feet as Ivanka holds her by the head like her trophy. Oh no, she has Trish locked tight in the Billion Dollar Dream, “Say goodnight Trish.” This one’s as good as over, Trish’s arms just fall to her sides and her legs buckle. Ivanka Trump has this hold in good and tight as the ref checks on Trish, ONE! He checks Trish’s arm again, TWO! Once more and it’s all over, Jawbreaker! Brilliant last ditch counter by Trish Stratus to save herself but for how long? Ivanka may have chipped a tooth as she holds her mouth in obvious pain. She looks furious as she grabs Trish by the hair to pull her up again, spinebuster by Trish. The tables may just have turned as Trish steadies herself and takes hold of Ivanka’s legs. She has the President’s daughter flat on her back in the centre of the ring locked in the Sharpshooter. Ivanka Trump taps immediately, this one’s over as she rolls to the floor outside while Trish drops to her knees exhausted.

Lillian: Here is your winner by submission, Trish Stratus!

Good lord, Ivanka Trump from behind just smashed Trish in the back of the head with a steel chair. That is sure to have scrambled her brain. Ivanka isn’t done yet, she drags Trish up off the mat and locks in the Billion Dollar Dream once more. Nothing Trish can do this time after taking such a brutal blow to the back of the head. Ivanka brings Trish down to the mat with the hold locked in tight and the referee unable to break it.

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She’s out, Trish is out cold. Trish may have won the match tonight but she certainly isn’t winning the war with Ivanka Trump who stuffs a $100 dollar bill in her mouth and stands tall with one foot on the chest of Trish like a conqueror. A major statement has been made by the young businesswoman tonight as she has left a Hall of Famer laid out in this very ring for the whole world to see and not for the first time either. Surely Trish Stratus won’t want to leave things like this but she may just want to go home and lick her wounds to save any further embarrassment. Ladies and gentlemen, we are out of time but would like to thank you all for watching tonight. Goodbye for now.

7 thoughts on “Bonus Match: Trish Stratus VS Ivanka Trump Submission Match

  1. Great match. Ivanka looked dominant but Trish the vet found away to win the battle but this war belonged to Ivanka in the end. LAYLA vs Candice is up Trish vs Alexa coming in about an hour.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ivanka certainly showed she knows how to fight dirty by putting Trish on the backfoot for much of this match. Trish proved to be the better woman in the match but it is arguable that Ivanka may have won the fight by laying Trish out. I’ll check your matches out next, looking forward to reading them.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. True Ivanka not just rich a bad a$$. The summer slam matches will be better just got to get a feel on which way to go with the results.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Tremendous match with Ivanka really surprising everyone and taking the fight to Trish. Ivanka had Trish in all kinds of trouble here and made a HUGE statement after the match. I can see Trish going after some revenge for sure.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. If they face off again, Trish has to get some payback otherwise Ivanka will have dominated the war. It can’t be just a regular match however and anything with less rules will almost certainly favour Ivanka Trump. This could be a tricky proposition for Trish who risks being humiliated by a non wrestler.


    1. On the flipside, Ivanka may just have lit a fire under Trish and may yet regret her actions. Ivanka put up a real good fight, pushing Trish hard but lost the match decisively in the end before attacking from behind afterwards. A lot of unanswered questions could mean one more match to declare once and for all who the better woman is.

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